New Children’s Pastor and Family to Join JCBC Sunday

This Sunday marks the first official Sunday for JCBC’s new Children’s Pastor, Cass Brannan. Pastor Cass and family will be with us for Sunday School and Worship, and look forward to beginning a new era of excellence in Children’s Ministry. As we prepare to welcome the Brannans into our church family, there are three ways you and your family can make their arrival special.

1.Bring your child to worship!
One of the first priorities of our new Children’s Pastor is to redevelop a Children’s Worship experience during the 11:00 a.m. hour. While the full-blown launch of this program will find its fullest expression in January, a very modified version will begin in October. Until then, one of the ways we will be introducing Pastor Cass to our children is by having him lead the Children’s sermons during corporate worship in the month of September. This will be a great way not only for our children to begin connecting with Cass during this teaching moment, but for our entire church family at large to do so as well. So, make sure your child (or grandchild) is a part of the journey from the beginning, by bringing them to corporate worship in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. throughout the month of September.

2. Attend the Welcome Reception for the Brannans on September 13th.
On Cass’ second Sunday with us (September 13th) there will be a welcome reception for the Brannan family in the Gymnasium immediately following worship. It is a “drop in” welcome time, with hot dogs and the works prepared by Chef Juan. This will be a great time to extend a warm JCBC welcome to Cass and introduce your family to his.

3. Drop a note!
Another way you and your family can make Cass’ arrival special is to drop him a note of encouragement and blessing as he begins his ministry here. You can email him at or send a card to the church at 6910 McGinnis Ferry Drive, Alpharetta GA 30005. Making a transition to a new ministry comes with a great deal of emotional/social/relational/spiritual adjustments. Your words of welcome and support will be a great gift to him as he begins this new adventure with us.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

1 Comment. Leave new

  • I have really loved seeing the kids in corporate worship on Sunday mornings. I don’t have children, but I have loved their involvement and leadership in the service. It has been a real joy. And the children’s sermons from Pastor Shaun have been exceptional! Look forward to the arrival of our new Children’s Pastor.


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