Please Remember

Our service men and women listed below are on active duty in the U.S. and around the world. It is they who are protecting us and our freedoms. If you are a family member, or know any of these men and women that are listed below, please contact us and share any updated information. Also, if you have a family member that you would like added to the list, please contact David White at 678-474-4407 or

  • Nick Markey, SSG. U.S. Army – Grandson of Virginia Wilson
  • Cole Quick PFC USMC (Son of Jeff and Karen Quick)
  • Major Craig Henderson – grandson of Fred Henderson
  • Air Force Major Daniel Rich – Son of David and Anita Rich
  • Spec Thomas Hodges, National Guard (husband of Amber Hodges) stationed in Afghanistan.
  • Gabriel Jacobson, Major in the Air Force (son of Mary and Scot Jacobson) – Pentagon
  • Nathan Parker
  • Tim Bare & family
  • Captain Kevin Sampler, (Grandson of Ken and Marian Eugea)
  • Staff Sgt. Sean L. Kearney (Joyce Harris’ grandson)
  • Byron Crowfoot (son of Rebecca Crowfoot)
  • LT Philip Romeo (brother of Keith Romeo)
  • David Barron (Loretta Snyder’s nephew)
  • SGT Brandon Elmore (son of Dwight & Becky Jones)
  • Sean Lyons (son of Bob & Kathy Lyons)
  • CDR Scott Shiver/CSO
  • U.S. Army Ranger, Jeffrey Nealor
  • Sgt. Michael Mitchell
  • Christopher Parker / Air Force
  • Michael Wilson / Air Force
  • Cpl. Stanley Williams / 3rd Army
  • Capt. Michael Bracewell
  • Dean Carr, son of David & Heidi Carr
  • Colin Anderson, nephew of Heidi Carr
  • Sean Masters, National Guard, nephew of Tres and Bobbi Rice, grandson of Pat Taylor

NOTE: Please Submit Updated Prayer Requests for Our Troops:

Please submit names of JCBC members, your family members, and friends who are currently serving our country that you would like for us to keep lifted up in prayer:  Online: Or to: Debbie Iwasaki at:; 678-474-4405.

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