We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
That’s why at JCBC our strategy is to nurture healthy, vibrant, life-giving, connections in all we do.
In John 15, we are called to abide in Him just as the branches abide in the vine. What better image is there, to describe what church is intended to be? Branches intimately connected to our Life-source; but connected to that Source in a way that is shared, close, co-mingled and interdependent.
At JCBC we have specific ways for you and your family to GET CONNECTED. Here are a few…
You can stay connected with all things JCBC through our social media channels and ‘The Call’, our weekly newsletter. Just sign up below!
Let’s Eat is a great first-step opportunity to learn life at JCBC and get to know some of our staff and other newcomers. Hosted by Senior Pastor Shaun King and Connections Pastor David White, this newcomer breakfast is open to all ages, is free, and childcare is available. So, make plans to join us and Let’s Eat!