One Voice. Your Choice. Tell the Story!

There is something distinct about the JCBC experience.

You know it and I know it.
But it is high time for us to become deliberate about letting our community know it!

As you may already know, a small task force of JCBC members and staff has been working for some time now, with an independent marketing firm out of Nashville to guide us in the development of a short-term and long-term marketing strategy for our church.

While you will hear far more in the coming weeks about our long-term strategy, one of our immediate (and most important) goals is to equip every member with the ability to tell the story of what God seems to be “up to” within our congregation.

To that end, we are introducing: “One Voice. Your Choice. Tell the Story.”

This sort-term (internal) focus is designed to energize and build momentum among our members as we prepare for the launch of our multi-venue worship experience.

One Voice…
One of our strongest-held convictions in this new worship adventure is the desire to remain unified as one body with one vision and one voice. While the structure and style of worship may be nuanced differently in each venue, the message will be the same, emerging out of deliberate discernment and collaboration each week, between the Senior Pastor and the leaders of each worship venue.

Your Choice…
The strength of our new worship design will be in the options it provides for families seeking to connect at JCBC.  Having the freedom to choose between our Blended/Traditional Service and our Contemporary Service will open the door to more families and individuals who are hungry and thirsty for the whole JCBC experience, and yet are drawn to a particular way of worship that speaks for them.

Tell the Story…
As I shared with you on Sunday, I am extremely proud of you. I am proud of not only where we have arrived, but in how we got here. The story of our decision to expand our worship options is remarkable journey. It is one of congregational courage. We took our time to look at one another and listen to the voice of God within one another in coming to this decision. The “why” behind what we are doing, and how we arrived at that “why” is far more impressive than anything else.

But here is my question:
If push came to shove, could you personally tell our story?
Would you be able to articulate the narrative of how (and why) we as one unified body made this deliberate decision?

I want you to be able to do that.
More importantly, your church needs you to be able to do that.

Over the next 3 months we will be equipping you with specific ways to do so.
In the mean time, one of the most important things you can do right now is watch (or re-watch) my message from this past Sunday.

Because within that message, I rehearse our narrative. I tell the story.
I give you the skinny on how we got where we are.

These next several weeks and months will come with incredible opportunity.
As one body, we will expand the JCBC experience like never before, as we continue to Connect for Community, Form for Fruitfulness, and Mobilize for Mission , within a SHARED Life of Authentic Worship

One Voice. Your Choice. Tell the Story!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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