Holy Week at JCBC

For millions of Christians worldwide, this Sunday begins the highest and holiest week of the year. It is Holy Week,* and here is a rundown of six special events you will not want to miss!

Palm Sunday Worship – March 25th at 11:00 in the Sanctuary and Family Life Center
During our morning worship service, we will hear the story of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will sing of the supremacy of Christ as Lord and King, and consider the sermon, “Two Parades. One Decision.”

JCBC Night of Praise – March 25th at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Glenn Crosthwait, along with our choir and orchestra will lead worshippers in a powerful night of song, scripture, prayer and praise. Similar to the Night of Worship, our primary purpose for this gathering is unfettered worship and adoration. I can imagine no better way to experience Palm Sunday!

JCBC Easter Egg Hunt – March 28th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the Soccer Field.
While not necessarily a worship-event, our egg hunt for children is a marvelous way to welcome our community onto our campus and share the love of Christ. Even if you do not have children or grandchildren participating, I encourage you to come and help us welcome our neighbors.

Maundy Thursday – March 29th at 6:30 in the Family Life Center**
On the Thursday evening prior to Easter, we will gather for a worshipful time of reflection, remembrance and hope. We will consider the deeply moving events of that night in the life of our Lord and will experience the Lord’s Supper by way of intinction (dipping of the bread into the cup). As we consider the great weightiness of our Lord’s decision to empty his life out on our behalf and take the cup set before him, we too will have the opportunity to drink deeply and trust fully, in great anticipation of the resurrection that is coming.

Stations of the Cross – March 30th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
On Good Friday, the church will be open for worshippers to come and go at will, and to participate in the Stations of the Cross. This creative and experiential worship opportunity involves moving from one worship ‘station’ to the next, where there will be readings, reflections, sights, smells, art, and activities in order to fully engage the worshipper in a multisensory experiential worship event. Worshippers can come anytime between 4:00 pm. and 7:00 p.m., but the event from start to finish usually lasts only 20 minutes in duration.

Easter Sunday – April 1st at 11:00 a.m. in both JCBC Worship Venues
On Sunday morning, April 1st, JCBC will join millions of Christians around the world as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Our gatherings will take place at 11:00 a.m. in each of our two worship venues: The Sanctuary and The Family Life Center. We will offer both contemporary as well as traditional services on Easter, but at 11:00 only. There will be no Sunday School on Easter morning. As a courtesy to guests, seniors and those who are physically challenged, I am asking all who are physically able to park as far away from the entrances as possible, as we work together to accommodate the great crowds of worshippers who will join us on that day.

I hope you will make every effort to gather with your church family this Holy Week!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

*Note: Nearly 300 million sisters and brothers in the Eastern Orthodox Church observe a different liturgical calendar, and will be celebrating Holy Week one week later.

**Note: In addition to Friday evening, the self-guided Stations of the Cross will be open before and after our Maundy-Thursday service, for those who wish to come earlier or stay later. Doors will open for stations at 5:00 and will close at 6:10. Doors will reopen after the Maundy-Thursday Service for those who wish to attend.

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