We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
Youth Ministry: Annie Westbrook
JCBC Youth is dedicated to leading students into a deeper, more authentic relationship with God, themselves, and others. All of our efforts are centered on relational ministry that produces more and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our vision is to create environments where students feel cared for in order for them to feel comfortable being vulnerable about their personal and spiritual lives. We believe this will allow students to grow in three important ways:
Our programs serve to meet the needs of our students and fulfill the mission and vision of our ministry. We have multiple environments that work together to provide a well-rounded experience for our Middle and High Schoolers.
Sunday School is part of our DNA at JCBC. We offer communities with Bible Study and Topical Studies for people of all ages. In Youth, our Sunday School hour is a space that provides Biblical teaching and meaningful discussion for teenagers. We start out with donut fellowship and transition to large-group introduction of the week’s lesson. Then, we split into age-level classes to go deeper and connect the stories to students’ daily lives.
Our JCBC Youth participate in community worship with our larger church congregation. At JCBC we believe that being part of an intergenerational church is important. Worship is a place where students can look around and see people from all ages and walks of life worshiping God. Participating in corporate worship allows students to understand that their faith journey is part of a larger story and that our youth group is part of a larger body of believers. This helps to make their faith more real and relatable as they grow and develop into young adults.
Our Sunday night Grow Groups are an integral part of our students’ discipleship. Grow Groups provide an opportunity for students to worship, learn, eat, and play together. In Grow Groups our students are provided a space to build deep relationships with each other and their leaders and they point each other to Jesus. This is an environment where students can take steps towards a growing faith in Christ.
JCBC Youth love camps and retreat! We provide six opportunities for students to get away from the pressures and packed schedules of their everyday lives to connect more deeply with the presence of God. Our retreats include special opportunities for Middle School and High Schoolers to grow at their own levels, combined trips to explore God as a united group, and mission opportunities to share the love of God with others.
We provide a missional opportunities for students at least once a semester and once over the summer. This includes, but is not limited to, participating in donation drives, serving at local nonprofits, and going on domestic and foreign mission experience. The goal of these opportunities is two fold: first, to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need, and second, to begin integrating a missional consciousness into our students lives. Students are challenged to find ways to serve those around them in their daily lives as well as get involved with local missional partners as individuals.
Along with the serious, and seriously fun, programing we plan throughout the year, we also coordinate social events for students to connect with each other outside of Sundays and retreats. From summer lunch to messy games to coffee meet-ups and game nights, our students have fun together in everything they do! Breaking down barriers and stepping out of insecurities at social events helps create a feeling of safety so that students can be more authentic with each other when those serious moments occur. That’s how fun builds trust!