Hurricane Helene Relief: A special call to prayer, fasting, and action by our Senior Pastor

Dear JCBC Family,

With the uncertain impact of Hurricane Helene looming, I would like to call our church to a time of prayer and fasting…and then ultimately to action.

A Call to Prayer and Fasting

Please join me in praying for the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable in the path of the storm. There are many in the direct path whose homes are more susceptible and who will feel the brunt of the impact more than others. Please remember seniors who may be living alone, or in facilities that may be damaged, impacting their care. Let’s also pray in earnest for those who are homeless in the path of the storm and whose shelter will depend on the limited resources of their local governments and faith communities.

I also would invite you to join me in a simple fast while praying. Perhaps voluntarily go without food for one or two meals; or perhaps fast from sunup to sundown on one or more of the coming days–as an expression of the sincerity of your prayer and of your desire to stand in solidarity with those who will suffer most in the storm.

A further suggestion would be to use the money you would have spent on those meals and donate to our Annual Missions Offering, which provides relief in the aftermath of such natural disasters.

A Call to Action

While the true impact of the storm cannot be known as of today, we can still prepare to take action as a congregation when the real needs are known. For example…

1. Check on members you know–especially those who may be living alone!
Our Deacon Homebound Team does an excellent job checking on our seniors who are unable to get out. Many are in facilities which provide excellent care. Some, however, live alone. In the event of power outages, it may be difficult to know of all their needs in a timely manner. If you know of one of our members living alone, please take the initiative to check on them and report any needs (as best you can) to or in person to the church office.

2. Volunteer if/when JCBC is activated as an active shelter for the American Red Cross.
As you may know, JCBC is identified as an official shelter location for the American Red Cross. I have asked our Mobilization Pastor, Terri Byrd to remain in contact with our regional representative to offer the use of our facilities as a temporary shelter, should the need arise. In the event we become an active shelter, there will be a need for volunteers from among our congregation to serve the needs of those sheltered. If you are willing to serve please contact the chair of our Deacon Care Team, Susan Holland, at

3. Volunteer on a Disaster Response Team.
While our denominational organization, The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, is not set up to be “First Responders,” we do organize into response teams in the aftermath of natural disasters. This work usually involves providing support in cleanup, “mud-outs” of homes, and a variety of other light construction/rebuilding projects and services. This need is only known in the days and weeks following a disaster. If you would be interested in volunteering for such a team if/when the need emerges, please email

In addition, if you have a chainsaw and would be willing to help members with some light debris removal, please contact

4. Give NOW to Hurricane Relief!
In the wake of natural disasters, JCBC has a practice of providing an immediate infusion of financial support to partner ministries in the areas most impacted by the disaster. Our Missions Committee will be briefed on needs as they arise and will make the determination when and where to send such funds. YOUR SUPPORT of our Annual Missions Offering makes this kind of immediate response possible. You can give a one-time gift now by clicking this link and choosing “Annual Missions Offering” in the dropdown menu.

Know that I am praying for you and your families, during the days ahead.
May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?

Well, I do!


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