This Spring, there are lots of ways to mobilize for missions and service with JCBC!

Serve our community!
We would love to encourage you to serve others with your community group, your family or as an individual by volunteering to do something good for others this Spring with one of our mission partners or with a charity group that means a lot to you. Here are links for volunteering with some of our JCBC mission partners:

Serve your neighbors!
Here are a few fun ideas of ways to serve in your own neighborhood:

  • Visit with a neighbor who lives alone or is elderly.
  • Share a meal or a dessert with neighbors.
  • Help out at a local food pantry.
  • Drop off a basket of goodies to a police or fire station in your area.
  • Pick up trash at your local park.

Give to the JCBC Annual Mission Offering!
This allows our mission committee to respond quickly to mission needs in our community and around the world. Go to and under “Select a fund,” choose the “Annual Mission Offering.”

Pray for CBF Global Missions.
March 23rd29th is the Week of Prayer for Global Missions. God is doing transformative work around the world through the presence of field personnel in 20 countries. Join us as we pray for God’s transforming power to change lives as field personnel bear witness to Jesus Christ, cultivate beloved community and seek transformational development.

We will be collecting non-perishable food items for The Place of Forsyth at JCBC. Bring your favorite canned food, cereal, or boxed items to place in our bins from March 23 – April 27th.

Volunteer Hours Report

Thank you for partnering with us to serve our community! We would love to have a record of the good work that you are doing. Please complete the following Volunteer Hours Report for you or your group.