
Mar 31 2025


7:05 pm

JCBC Day at the Gwinnett Stripers

JCBC Day at the Gwinnett Stripers

Thursday, July 28th @ 7:05 pm
$5.00 per ticket

Remember the last time JCBC took over Coolray Field?  Well…it’s time to do it again!  Welcome to the 2022 edition of JCBC Day at Gwinnett Stripers!

Come and join us for an evening of fun and fellowship on Thursday, July 28! Grab a hot dog or two and enjoy the game as the Stripers take on the Jackson Jumbo Shrimp. First pitch is at 7:05 PM at Coolray Field – Home of the Gwinnett Stripers. (2500 Buford Dr NE, Lawrenceville, GA 30043). Contact Debbie Iwasaki or David White if you have questions or special circumstances.

How much is it, you ask?
Only $5.00 a ticket!

What does your 5 bucks get you?
Premium seating in sections 113 and 115 (the shady side!), the chance to hear someone from JCBC sing God Bless America and one of our own will be throwing out the first pitch. Who will it be?

How do I purchase my ticket?
Tickets are limited. While they last, there are two ways to procure them:
1. Reserve your tickets electronically below (please fill out form entirely). Pay for and pick up your tickets the following Sunday after you’ve made your reservation at the ticket table located outside the sanctuary. NOTICE: YOU MUST PAY FOR YOUR TICKETS THE SUNDAY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING YOUR RESERVATION OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RESERVATION.
2. Purchase tickets on-hand after worship at the ticket table located outside the sanctuary on June 26, July 3, July 10, July 17, July 24 – until sold out!
Sound fun? Let’s Go! Grab your tickets right now!

Ticket Reservation Form


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