Johns Creek Baptist offers a vibrant and and meaningful ministry for all adult ages. Our Adult ministry encompasses our Community Based Sunday School and Bible Studies for Men, Women and Seniors.

Community Based Sunday School

Our single largest weekly opportunity is Adult Sunday School which takes place from 9:30am-10:30am each Sunday. Our Sunday School is made up community groups that are loosely based on your age and stage of life and are led by Community Leaders. We want you to join a community where you find connection in an environment that fosters spiritual formation and growth. Beyond studying scripture, these groups provide care, fellowship and ministry opportunities for their members. At JCBC, Adult Sunday School is at the very heart of our church and is considered one of the essential aspects of our life together.

CONNECT – Every Sunday morning at 9:30, our groups gather all over campus to connect and enjoy each other. Conversation, laughter and coffee abound! Additionally, our groups gather numerous times throughout the year simply for the fun of it. Deep and significant relationships are formed and fostered.

FORM – Each Sunday, our Community Groups engage together in bible study and thoughtful reflection. The studies not only help form our identity as followers of Christ, but also shape the ways we “do life” – day in and day out. We are clay in the potter’s hands – being transformed from the inside out.

MOBILIZE – Our Community Groups not only form relationships and grow with each other, but also engage in a wide variety of mobilization and missions projects throughout the year. We are not just hearers of the word…but doers as well.

CARE – Each of us face hardships from time to time. Our Community Groups are active caregivers – coming up alongside those in the group who are hurting or in crisis. We take care of each other because we love each other.

KIDS – While our Adult Community Groups are connecting, forming, and mobilizing on Sunday mornings, your kids are doing the same thing! Our Children and Students’ Ministries are dedicated to helping parents nurture the faith of their children.

New to JCBC? We always encourage newcomers to visit as many groups as they like and to join the one that best fits their needs. Wondering where you might fit in? Reach out to us at and a pastor will follow up to discuss what community might be a best fit for you.

JCBC Adult SS Communities
Spring 2025
No Sunday School on Easter Sunday, April 20th

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Mens, Womens and Senior Bible Studies

At JCBC, we offer opportunities throughout the week for Men, Women and Seniors Bible Studies. Our Bible Studies foster an environment of faith building and support through fellowship, prayer and study.

Currently, here are the weekly opportunities for Bible Study Groups:

  • Tuesday Men’s Study | 12pm | Heritage Room
  • Men’s Fellowship – Fellowship, Food & Prayer | Events Held Throughout the Year | Family Life Center
  • “Word on Wednesday” Noon Bible Study & Lunch | 11:30 Lunch and 12:00pm Bible Study | Heritage Room
  • Women’s Wednesday Night Study | 6pm | B223
  • Mother’s Fellowship | Wednesday Mornings | 10am | Room A215 | Childcare Available Upon Request
  • Women’s Thursday Bible Study | 10am | B223
  • Seniors Women’s Fellowship – Quarterly Luncheon | Thursday Mornings | 11:30am | Family Life Center

Throughout the year, our Adult Ministry offers special events, outings and retreats that foster additional connection and fellowship. We want to minister completely and with excellence to Adults at every life stage. For more information about our Adult Ministry Bible Studies contact us at

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