We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
Beginning Sunday, January 5th
If the church suddenly ceased to exist, what difference would it make?
No, seriously. Think about it.
If the church…this church…OUR church…were to simply disappear, would anyone notice? Would anyone feel the impact of our absence? If so, who? And what would that impact be?
The Church is intended to be the gathered Body of Christ—
the visible presence of the Risen Lord in this world.
(Now you are the Body of Christ, and individually members of it. ~1 Corinthians 12:27)
When we are gathered and engaged, we embody the same divine power of transforming love that was in Christ Jesus, our Lord. That means within our gathered body there is all of the grace, compassion, mercy, healing, and power we would ever need to radically transform the destiny of our communities, nation, and world.
Can you imagine for a moment what would happen if we actually believed that statement? Can you imagine what profound encounters of healing and hope would take place?
Can you imagine the transformation that would come?
Can you imagine the IMPACT?