We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
Below you will find our 2024 Ministry Impact Report.
We pray you will take the time to read all about the impact of God’s transforming love on JCBC over the course of the past year.
Then, through prayer, consider what commitments God may be requiring of YOU as you join the rest of your church family in yielding to the transforming love of God in the coming year.
Recognizing that our impact as a church is only as strong as each of our personal commitments, we are pledging:
Faithful Attendance, Selfless Service, Sacrificial Giving, and Personal Invitation.
After viewing the Impact Report and praying about what God would require of you, take a moment to submit your personal pledge below. We will pray for you in the commitments you make. Then, throughout the year we will provide practical tools and resources to help you fulfill your commitments to God and to your church.