We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
At the end of every year, Oxforddictionaries.com selects its International Word of the Year. This is a word that has become so popular, so widely used, that it gets tagged by the wordsmiths down Oxford as the one word in the English language that gets top billing for the year. It’s like a vocabulary hall of fame. In order for a word to even qualify as a candidate for Word of the Year, it has to be a word that (according to the Oxford website), “reflects the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year and must have lasting potential as a word of cultural significance.” Do you know what the word was for 2013? Selfie. That’s right. Selfie. Oxford defines the word as “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.” In 2013 alone, researchers estimate that the frequency of the use of the word selfie spiked…17,000%. Do a simple search on Instagram for #selfie, and you’ll get 75 Million Results. Of the total number of photographs taken by 18-24 year olds? 1 in 3 are selfies. What does that mean? I mean, let’s be clear. There’s nothing inherently bad about selfies. I love a good selfie. They’re fun. A well done selfie can help chronicle the special events you want to share with others, in real time, even as they are unfolding. My family takes them all the time. We take beach selfies, hiking selfies, and my personal favorite: ski chair life selfies. A well-timed selfie can help us tell the story of us. The question I sometimes wonder is…what are the stories our selfies are telling? When you think about it, selfies really aren’t all that new. Many of the greatest works of art by the great artists throughout history have been self-portraits…even as early as the 16th century. Later, in the 19th century, Vincent Van Gogh produced some 43 selfies in under 10 years. All of them giving some glimpse into his own identity and sense of self. Each one revealing something, about that which was hidden deep within, as he went through the stages of his life. The Crossroads. The turning points. The seasons of celebration and crisis. Study a Van Gogh selfie long enough, and it begins to reveal something about who he was. What do the selfies we take reveal about us? Do they reveal our true selves? Or do they project something else. Something better. Something prettier. Something sexier. Something worth a few more “likes.” Fact: You and I have the ability to control the image we want to project. Not just in pictures, but in life. We can choose our filter, crop the edges, and post our lives in such a way that we portray only the best, most flattering angles of us; and never let on that down beneath the surface, there is a pain behind the pixels. But is that the goal? See, Jesus had some things to say about this. About the true self and the false self. About what defines us, shapes us, gives us our identity. And what doesn’t. He taught us that the most beautiful life is the one that is authentically lived out of a deep and abiding relationship with God. He showed us not only what God thinks of us, but also how you and I can do life in a way that lives up to and into what God thinks of us. That’s why I want to invite you to join us at Johns Creek Baptist as we explore a new series, entitled #Selfie. For five weeks, we’re taking a close look at what scripture has to say about who we really are in Christ, and how it’s really possible to live out of that identity…our truest identity…every single day. It is possible for your inner life and your outer life to match; and for that life to be grounded in Christ. Come and join us, as we explore how.
Here is a link to “The Greatest Temptation of All” – Part 1 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Twos” – Part 2 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Threes” – Part 3 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
2. While the superpower of a Three is this drive to succeed, this super power comes with a “kryptonite” that can cripple them. The Kryptonite is the “deadly sin” of deceit. Not that Threes are necessarily liars…but rather, they are so good at “shape-shifting” and positioning themselves in order to win, they often deceive themselves about who they really are and what they really feel. Question: If gone unchecked, what impact would this pattern have on a Three?
3. The Biblical character we studied on Sunday was the “Rich, Young, Ruler.” He runs up to Jesus and asks the ultimate Three-question: “What must I do…” In the sermon, I said, “Threes may have the hardest time of all remembering that we were created to be human BEINGS, and not just human DOINGS.” Why is this a struggle for Threes?
4. We usually relate this Biblical story to wealth or materialism. But what if it’s not? Jesus told him the one thing he lacks is to sell it all…to rid himself of all trophies and evidences of his success. We are told he then walks away sad. Looking at this story through the lens of the Enneagram, how do you read this part of the story?
5. The wounding message that Threes carry within is ” It’s not okay to have your own feelings and your own identity.” The healing message Threes need to hear is “You are loved for yourself (for who you are and not for what you do).” Do you have any Threes in your life? How might you offer them the gift of hearing the healing message that they are loved for WHO they are, and not what they do?
Here is a link to “Fours” – Part 4 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Fives” – Part 5 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Sixes” – Part 6 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Sevens” – Part 7 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Eights” – Part 8 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Nines” – Part 9 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
Here is a link to “Ones” – Part 10 of Me, Myself and Why. If you are gathering with friends or family, share this link, and toss out one or two of these questions for discussion…
You were born because God thought you were a good idea.
You–with all your strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and idiosyncrasies.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made—in the holy image of God.
(And, for what it’s worth–you still are.)
Live long enough, however, and you begin to wonder.
If I am so fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s own image, then why do I do the things I do?
Why do I keep falling into the same traps, repeating the same self-defeating patterns of behavior?
When asked what was the greatest of all commandments, Jesus said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-38)
But what do you do when engrained patterns of behavior get in the way of even your best efforts to love God, love others, or even love yourself?
For millions of Christians throughout the ages, one powerful tool in understanding our own behaviors and hidden motivations is the study of the Enneagram.
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system–but it is far more than that.
It is a lens through which to observe your own life, and in the light of nonjudgmental self-observation, recognize the engrained patterns that keep us from living freely and loving fully, as God intended.
For this pastor, I can say with confidence that no other resource outside sacred scripture has been as fruitful in my own spiritual journey with Christ and in my personal relationships with family and friends as the Enneagram.
That is why, beginning Sunday, February 2nd, I will begin a new sermon series entitled “Me, Myself, and Why?” Each week we will look at individuals within the Bible who seem to embody the strengths and weaknesses of each particular Enneagram number. We will consider the particular wounding messages that we carry around with us, and proclaim the healing message each number needs to hear in order to live freely and love fully, as God intended.