Missional Partners Extend Congratulations on JCBC’S 25th Anniversary

If you were in worship this past Sunday, you saw a compilation video of many of JCBC’s missional partners, extending their congratulations and blessings, as we prepare to mark the occasion of our 25th anniversary. If you missed the video, you can check it out here.

At the time of this writing, we are 11 days away from the big celebration!

October 21, 2018 is our 25th anniversary as Johns Creek Baptist Church!
I’m calling on our entire JCBC family to make a special effort to be present that day.
Eleven days, and counting.
Will you be with us?

Here is a brief glance at what you can expect on that special day…

Church-wide Breakfast Fellowship
This is one day when you will certainly want to arrive early. Beginning at 9:45 a.m., we will have a church-wide fellowship breakfast in the Family Life Center and Heritage Room.

There will be no Sunday School on this day.
Instead, all Sunday School communities and classes will mingle together in our shared space, as we enjoy conversation, laugher, live music and breakfast foods. This is an opportunity to embrace the grace and beauty of our multigenerational congregation. During this hour, we will abide in the joy of fellowship across the various ages and stages that make our congregation strong.

A variety of breakfast foods will be prepared by JCBC Chef, Chris Harwell, and will feature (among other items) his world-famous “grits bar!” Live music will be provided and will culminate with the unveiling of an original song, written by Adam Courtney for the occasion of our 25th anniversary!

This first part of our celebration is something you will not want to miss!

“State of the Church” Combined Worship Service
For our 11:00 a.m. worship hour, we will all gather in the Sanctuary this day for one unified worship celebration. During this service, we will lift our voices together in unity, be inspired by powerful music, and offer our heartfelt gratitude for God’s enduring faithfulness throughout our church’s life.

The morning will be filled with great joy and maybe even a few surprises. We will mark the occasion with a couple of high moments of recognition in worship.  On this day I will deliver my annual State of the Church Address, in which we reflect on where God has brought us thus far, and look forward (with courage) to envision where God may be calling us in our new and next era of faith.

One thing is certain.
It will not be the same without you!

So, I am asking you to take a moment to reserve that date as a commitment on your calendar.

We have amazing days of adventure ahead as a congregation.
And I want you to experience it!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your Pastor?
Well, I do.

Rev. Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • jean and rudy bowen
    October 10, 2018 5:05 pm

    We are so excited to be able to celebrate twenty-five years at Johns Creek. Rudy and I heard about the new mission church to open in October. That summer we made a point to drive down to Chamblee and worship two times and decided that the day JCBC opened we would be there and would bring our church membership.
    The day came and we were so happy, the new church was just perfect, we ask our neighbors to come with us and at the end of worship, we walked down front and became apart of the best church of our lives. These years have been some of the greatest and we have made the best friendships . God has surely blessed us during our years at JCBC and we know that He will continue to guide us, It thrills us to tell others about our church.

  • Gina and Wesley Flowers
    October 21, 2018 1:43 am

    We still remember the unanimous vote at First Baptist Church of Chamblee to join with the mission church and move out to Johns Creek. What amazing leadership from Dr. Bill Self and the elders of that 100+ year-old church! These Chamblee members were people who sat in those pews for a thousand worship services and had seen their children baptized there. Its strong leaders had mourned as they buried family members in the cemetery and rejoiced as they watched their children be married in the Chamblee Baptist sanctuary, Yet, they each had a life wish for our church, a wish for the church to continue to share God’s love in a new area, far away from the familiarity of their beloved Chamblee.

    When our church took down the old barn and began building the chapel, it seemed that the only open business in Johns Creek was the McDonald’s. We had to tie into Fulton County water beneath McGinnis Ferry Rd. because Forsyth County water pipes were not yet established there. It truly took a vision to realize that the people were coming — and they were! Our son, Will, was born on Thursday, October 14, 1993, just three days before JCBC’s first service. We have watched our church and our son grow up together. From the infant/church in need of nourishment and support, to the teenager/new church finding its way, to the young adult/thriving church we see today, we are proud and blessed to be one small part of Johns Creek Baptist. Blessings and love to all who have played a part in the past 25 years, and to all who will play a part in the future of God’s work through our church.


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