We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
I am excited that you are here, in this moment, exploring the possibility of something more. In recent years, as I led several groups in deeper discipleship, I continued to hear a common theme—people say they simply want more. They have a yearning for something deeper in their spiritual life and in their relationship with God. It is my belief, as we commit to walking in the way of Christ, that God will meet us in the midst of our yearnings and grow us. I pray that by participating in the Practicing the Way Course, your journey with Christ will be strengthened.
Jim Walls, Formations Pastor
Would you like more information and find out when the next study begins? Please provide your information below.
The Practicing the Way Course is an 8-week seminar series that encourages and facilitates deeper discipleship.
As you take your next step in your spiritual journey, the foundational component is to participate in the 8-week course on Practicing the Way. We will offer the course on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:30AM. The Next session will begin April 6th. Indicate your interest by signing up below.
Also, we will offer the 8-week session on Sunday evenings from 5:15-6:45PM. The next session will begin in September.
The goal is to create a platform and foundation for participants to live into a life of practicing spiritual disciplines in order to “Be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.”
By signing up for the study, participants commit to be present for weekly group gatherings, which will last about 1 ½ hours, and to participate in a weekly individual practice.
Currently, 8-week study sessions are already meeting and are unable to add new participants. However, we will begin new groups as we have interest. So please sign-up to indicate your interest and for more information as it becomes available.
The church will provide workbooks that are printed in house. We are requesting a $5 donation.
You can also download a digital version here, but you are encouraged to have a hard copy to avoid distractions from devices when doing the study.
The companion book, “Practicing the Way” is an optional resource that can be purchased on Amazon or from your preferred bookstore.
For those who have completed the Practicing the Way Course, you are encouraged to participate in a Covenant Group.
The purpose of a Covenant Group is mutual accountability and support for discipleship. Covenant Groups are where Christians “watch over one another in love” by giving each other a compass heading. If you have ever used a compass you know that, when used with a map, a compass will point in the direction you need to travel in order to reach your destination. Occasionally, life and the world put obstacles and choices in our way that cause us to get off course. This is why it’s important to frequently check our map and compass so that we can get back on course and make progress towards our destination.
When groups gather, they will share about life—both joys and struggles. They will talk about their Rule of Life, and where they are experiencing a newness with God through the spiritual practices. And Covenant Groups will create space for confession, allowing us to truly “bear one another’s burdens.”
Covenant Groups are not intended to replace the Bible study provided through Sunday school. As seen in the description, Covenant Groups are not Bible study groups. Yes, on occasion, Covenant Groups may study the Spiritual Practices. But the focus of gathering is mutual accountability and support in the faith journey.
I am interested in participating in a Covenant Group and would like some additional guidance as I look for others to join.
Find Another Person
Find at least one other person who wants to form a group. Those who have already participated in Practicing the Way will understand the request. Those who have not will need some explanation. Use the information provided below, along with the document Covenant Groups—Order of Meeting to help answer their questions.
Invite Others to Join You
Now begin to recruit others. The maximum group size should be 8 people. Where necessary, remind those interested they must complete the 8-week PTW Seminar to participate. This is regularly offered on Sunday mornings from 9-10:30AM. They should go to the JCBC website to indicate an interest.
*Much of this guidance is taken from a Renovaré resource titled A Spiritual Formation Workbook by James Bryan Smith and Lynda Graybeal.
Hopefully, by reviewing the following questions, you will begin to understand the nature of a Covenant Group.
Your Covenant Group will decide how often it will meet. At a minimum, your group should meet once per month. Other groups may decide to meet weekly or bi-weekly. Your commitment is to be present for gatherings. You also commit to regularly engage with your Rule of Life and take opportunity to share your journey as you live it out. Also, you commit to support, encourage, and lift other group members up in prayer.
Completion of the 8-week seminar in Practicing the Week is required in order to participate in a Covenant Group.
That will be up to you. We have learned that the level of intimacy and sharing is much deeper and develops more quickly if group members are the same gender. Why? The more a group of people has in common, the more they can relate to each other. They share similar struggles and talk about them with fewer inhibitions. And yet there is something to be said in favor of a mixed group, with its added variety, broader spectrum of life experiences, and differing perspectives. The makeup of the group is ultimately up to you.
Yes. But many groups that include husbands and wives report that participating together is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it can be a tremendous way for a couple to grow closer, and it adds incentives in the area of mutual accountability. On the other hand, some people report struggling over what they should or should not share. Spouses sometimes hesitate to share a private struggle, feeling that they should try to work it out on their own, thus preventing them from benefiting from the help of the group.
On the other hand, numerous couples form a Covenant Group by themselves. They meet regularly with each other to review how they are doing and to make plans for the future, sharing their joys and concerns with one another. Whether husbands and wives should be in the same group with other people or with each other depends upon what the individuals find most helpful.
No. While the title may sound a bit ominous, Covenant Groups are designed to meet the needs of people who have little knowledge of the spiritual practices and minimal experience doing them. The resources at Practicing the Way offer a step-by-step approach to teach and model the practices, explain the “whats” and “whys” and especially the “hows.”
Does this mean that participation in a Covenant Group is too easy for the spiritually mature? No. The practices and continuing engagement with a Rule of Life are basic and foundational and meet you where you are. At the same time, they challenge you to move ahead, to grow as an apprentice of Jesus.
There is nothing magical about a Covenant Group. They contain no secret formula and they offer no easy shortcuts. What they do offer is a plan, including a Rule of Life, that helps you put yourself in a place where God can transform your life from the inside out. By providing you with balance (a Rule of Life), knowledge (the 9 spiritual practices), and encouragement (loving accountability from others), a Covenant Group can initiate in you a renewed and deepening spiritual life.
Trust will be fostered over time. As you review the questions in the Order of Meeting, some may feel intimidating. Over time, your group will develop a deepening level of trust, creating the possibility for more meaningful sharing.
Through the Practicing the Way resources, we have opportunity to utilize teachings on 9 spiritual practices. As of today, material for 6 of the practices have been produced, with the remaining 3 to be developed over the next year. In the upcoming months, we will provide opportunity on Sunday evenings, for those who have completed the Practicing the Way Course, to join in 4-week seminars on the spiritual practices—offering opportunities in prayer, sabbath, fasting, solitude, scripture, and generosity. Sessions will meet from 5:15-6:45PM.
Please let us know if you would like to participate through the form below.