Sinking Our Teeth Into Dominican Missions

Blog050215bOur commitment to Dominican missions reached a new high recently as a JCBC dental and medical team took greatly needed health services to the Milagrosa Batey. Milagrosa is situated in an isolated section of what appears to be a sea of sugar cane in the eastern section of the D.R. Our team provided basic health checks and extracted 125+ diseased teeth.
Blog050215cWe also had a construction team at the La Lachosa Barrio school build site which JCBC adopted in early 2014. A coalition of various groups have pledged support in building 40,000 new classrooms across the Dominican Republic. This trip also allowed us to select the site for our next water purification system installation. All in all, it was another excellent missional adventure for our church.
Blog050215dA big THANKS to Richard, Sue and Taylor Kay, Bill Weeks, Ernie Floyd, Dave Roberts, Kaitlyn Vann, Leah Morrow, Dr. Dale Stone, Tom Hill, and Lisa McCullar for their over and above service.
Our next clean water trip is set for October 3-10. If you are interested in some hot, heavy, and dirty work, that will no doubt save lives and share the Gospel, let me know.
Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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