Suicide Awareness Campaign

Did you know suicide is the second leading cause of death among the ages 10-24? Or, that one person dies by suicide every 16 minutes? Or, there were 1,124,125 suicide attempts in 2016, one every 28 seconds? Or, that two-thirds of people who die by suicide are suffering from depression and that undiagnosed, untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide? Or, that there were more suicides than homicides last year in the U.S.? Or, that the highest suicide rate among adults are persons 45-54?

These statistics are facts but it is important to not view this through the lens of cold, hard numbers…we must view this as individual people who, for whatever reason, choose to take their own life. Sadly, both suicide attempts and deaths are on the rise across the age spectrum. To help counter this growing problem we will be hosting a special Suicide Awareness Seminar. Two options are available; Wednesday October 10 at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center and Sunday October 14 at 9:45 in the Heritage Room.

We must create an honest dialogue about the reality of suicide in our community and this unique seminar has been created to speak to the rise in suicide rates, to inform on indicators and signs of a possible looming attempt, on resources available for counseling and, to counter the myths that surround suicide. Please plan to come and assist us in gaining traction as we take on this epic problem.

Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Maureen Kayser
    October 4, 2018 4:01 pm

    My son Tried to commit suicide, but we were lucky. , he lived. Tony was 15 years old.

  • Joanne Russell
    October 9, 2018 1:45 am

    Suicide is a heartbreaking very real problem in our community. It is hard for people to talk about. There are people hurting that are broken and need love and encouragement.
    It is important to pause and show authentic love and compassion for everyone you encounter in your daily routine. Invest your time in the people around you daily. My father commited suicide at 54 when I was a young adult. I pray that all Christians take time out of your schedule to help people you encounter. We are the body of Christ. I think it is vital to cross the road daily and pause for those in our paths. Kep, thank you for the message!
    Your sermon touched my heart.

  • Philip A. Jones
    October 9, 2018 10:17 am

    Thank you all for having this gathering. It’s as timely for me. I have two children and sharpening my awareness in this area is a concern of mine. Hopefully I can gain some insight from this. I look forward to being there.


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