What Would Paul Do…NEXT?

With no respect to the WWJD bracelet phenomena of years back, I’m a big fan of asking myself what would Paul do? I’ve asked this question internally on many occasions when pondering missional options. Obviously the answer most often comes back go or give. Paul was a veritable faith-sharing-machine. How many missionary journeys did he go on? Three, but not three drive-by’s, three big honking-years-long massively large missionary journeys. Paul, why not four? Well, I was detained indefinitely by Rome and don’t forget my goal was to take the Gospel to Spain! I ask What Would Paul Do because I know the answer will be progressive. It will be focused on a faith that is organic, and thus, alive. I didn’t go to physics or biology school, but an organic reality is never actually static. Something is always happening and in the arena of faith, we can influence the “something.” Nothing from nothing leaves nothing (thank you to Billy Preston) but 1 + 1 = 2 (thank you to my First Grade teacher, or maybe it was Third Grade??). The point is clear: faith living must build upon itself. It’s time to expand the question. It must shift from What Would Paul Do? to What Would Paul Do Next?

So let’s pledge to ponder this expanded question over the coming weeks. Think, pray and ponder on where you are right now, at this very moment in your faith journey, and then seek guidance in taking a “next” step. It could be in almost any area of faith. That list would be long and I couldn’t do it justice in a short article. Any of our pastors can help you with the bits and pieces of your decision. Help is a call away, but first please call on the story of Paul. It will inspire you to look deeply at your own journey and to look ahead. Paul was progressive to a fault…and so must we be.

An example of JCBC taking a “next” step will take place next week. As a church we contributed enough missions offering to provide a complete clean water system for a Third World village in the Dominican Republic. The installation begins on Monday, September 30. Ten of our members are also taking a “next” step in traveling to the D.R. to do the physical labor necessary to install the system. There is a lot of “next” stepping going on! Please pray for these individuals as they represent us in the D.R. and as they take their own next step:

Richard Kay, Sue Kay, Emmy Garcia, Carl Whitlock, Calvin Blake, Ernie Floyd, Don Walters, Lynn Carlson and Lisa McCullar.

Peace & Blessings,

Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Michael,

    I just wanted you to know that Perimeter Church will be praying for your team of 10 volunteers during our worship services this upcoming Sunday, Sept. 29. We are so thankful for Johns Creek Baptist Church, and for the impact your congregation is making in this community and all places where you serve. May God continue to bless your ministry to be a blessing, and may His name be proclaimed with great thanksgiving, through JCBC.


    Drue Warner
    Perimeter Church


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