We are Connected for Community
We were never intended to do life all alone, but rather in the love and company of God and each other.
Worship is our response to God for His sustaining love and gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Music connects people in worship as they experience the Word through scripture, the conversation through prayer, and the teaching through the message. Blending time honored hymns and current praise music, we offer our hearts and voices up to God as we experience His presence among us.
Sing joyfully to the Lord, … it is fitting to praise him. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy! Psalm 33:1-3
The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned blend of singers of all levels who lead in worship each Sunday morning. Praise teams, men’s and women’s vocal groups, and soloists rise from the choir providing emphasis to a select piece of music or occasion.
A loving and supportive group, the Sanctuary Choir adopts the motto “More Than Music, We Are Family”. New members assimilate quickly into the choir as welcome friends and the entire choir family is cared for in prayer and practical assistance when needs arise. The annual choir retreat, social events, and celebrations marking the dynamic life of the choir reinforce the atmosphere of friendship and fellowship. The Sanctuary Choir is well known for providing leadership and commitment in other areas of the church community.
Child care is available upon request. Please contact Leigh Anne Shields @ lshields@jcbc.org for more information.
Professional and amateur instrumentalists blend their unique talents in the auditioned orchestra of Johns Creek Baptist Church. These committed musicians meet weekly for pre-service rehearsal preparing to accompany the Sanctuary Choir and congregation in worship and praise.
For more information, please contact Leigh Anne Shields.
The fourth building stage of Johns Creek Baptist Church culminated in the fan-shaped Sanctuary especially designed acoustically for the spoken word and choral and orchestral music. For this setting, the church selected the Austrian built Bosendorfer Imperial Grand piano. At nine feet seven inches long, it is the largest production piano available. The Bosendorfer sound is often described as darker, richer, and more full-bodied than its counterparts. The additional eight black keys in the lower register is a unique feature.
While architects were drawing the plans for the sanctuary, Ruffatti Brothers, organ builders in Padua, Italy were building the pipe organ that would reside at Johns Creek Baptist Church in Alpharetta, GA. This handcrafted instrument has 103-ranks, 5,656 pipes, and is controlled by a five-manual console. Wood pipes are made from African mahogany and all the metal is handmade in the Ruffatti factory for the other pipes. The 103 ranks of pipes are augmented by the latest digital technology, including a MIDI. Taking three years to construct, the JCBC Ruffatti pipe organ is one of the largest in the Southeast.
Students, ages 8-18, are invited to participate in Summer Showcase for Students at Johns Creek Baptist Church. This weeklong event allows students to rotate through classes, learning songs and choreography focusing on how to perform. At the end of the week, a performance is held to showcase what they have learned.
For additional information, contact Beth Irwin at worship@jcbc.org.
The JCBC Student Choir is for children and youth in first through eight grades. The choir meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:00am. Under the direction of Beth Irwin, the choir performs periodically during worship throughout the year. To learn more contact Beth Irwin, Director of Children’s Music Ministry at birwin@jcbc.org.