3 Reasons Why Pledging Matters to your Witness

We are now well into our sermon series “Can I Get a Witness: How to Share Your Faith Without Feeling Creepy.”

During these few weeks, we are talking candidly about how to become a bold witness for our faith in all areas of our lives. One of the clearest ways to bear witness to the transformation Christ has affected, is in pledging our financial support of the ministries we provide in His name.

Perhaps you are new to the experience of pledging. Or, maybe this practice has been a part of your Christian journey for many years. Either way, here are at least three reasons why pledging your support of your church ministry matters.

  1. Pledging empowers identity. A pledge card (regardless the amount) says, “I am a part of something larger than myself.” It says I stand in solidarity with a family of believers, in pursuit of the same vision to love God and love people in the name of our Lord. When we do the math and sign the card, we are saying in essence, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord along side you.” A pledge card says, “we believe in what we are doing as a church and in who we are becoming together in Christ.” A pledge card says “Yes. We’re in.”
  2. Pledging empowers accountability. Deeply rooted in our ecclesiology (our theology of church), is the conviction that we exist as a dynamic community of strength and grace, intended to help individuals continually live into and up to their fullest identity and potential in Christ. Even with the best of intentions, and on our best days, our deepest convictions can sometimes be neglected or overlooked. When you pledge, you create for yourself a mechanism of accountability. You empower your church to empower you. A pledge makes it possible to come alongside you in the journey, to respectfully and prayerfully encourage you in the pursuit of your own generosity goals. I’ll say it again. When you pledge, you empower your church to empower you.
  3. Pledging empowers the ministry budget. There is a practical/pragmatic reason for pledging. It is a vital tool in the process of developing and managing a healthy church budget. A church budget is a ministry funding plan that is built with a variety of tools. Prayer is the first tool. In prayerful discernment and dialogue, our ministry leaders (ministers, deacons, stewardship committee, treasurers, etc) deliberately seek the guidance of the Spirit in developing a budget. Another tool is the study of trend-lines in our giving patterns. Our treasurer equips us with an intelligent analysis of trends from week to week, month to month, and year to year. But one vital tool used is the total number of all pledges submitted from a faithful and consistent membership. When you pledge, you help our leadership responsibly discern the viability of funding the ministry initiatives being envisioned.

The vitality and sustainability of the ministries we value are strengthened with each commitment pledged. In 2020, this will be especially true, as we pursue, by faith, the four strategic initiatives God has placed before us.

That is why I am calling on you and your family to submit your pledge today.

Be a part of the beautiful narrative being written within the life of this congregation.
Take this bold step to bear witness to Christ’s transforming love.

Can I get a witness?

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do!


Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

*Pledge cards are available in the church office.
Or, if you click the image below, you can fill out and submit your pledge online in a matter of minutes.

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Roger P Young
    November 6, 2019 5:28 pm

    Excellent article! I encourage all of my fellow JCBC members to join Denise and me in being a witness with their generous pledge.


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