5 Things You Need to Know About the JCBC Worship Dialogues

Registration for the JCBC Worship Dialogues is going exceedingly well.

According to Susan Beaumont (the consultant who will be facilitating our conversations), a successful attendance at an event such as this one is typically around 20% of the congregation’s average weekly attendance. For JCBC, that means successful attendance would be defined by 200 to 250 members participating in the Worship Dialogues.

To date, just shy of 400 of you have registered and are planning to attend!

As the energy and intrigue of these sessions continues to grow, I offer five things you need to know about the JCBC Worship Dialogues.

1. It matters that you understand the “why.”
It is crucial that every participant understands the purpose and vision behind the Worship Dialogues.

If you have not taken the time to read my original blog about the Worship Dialogues, I strongly encourage you to do so. There, you can read about the history of this conversation in the life of our church, and gain a clear understanding as to the purpose and vision of these sessions. Embedded within the blog is a video clip from the State of the Church, as well as additional links to each of the 6 sermons in my series on worship, entitled “Heart of Worship.”

2. The January 6th “pre-dialogue” presentation is a big deal.
On Wednesday evening, January 6th at 6:30 p.m. we will gather in the Sanctuary for a short (45 minute) presentation by the Worship Study Group.

At this presentation, we will update the church on the conversations we have had thus far, and share important information about the outcomes we hope to achieve through the upcoming dialogue sessions.

This session will be streamed live on our website. We will also email a link to the video presentation the following morning.

Please note: If you are unable to be present, I strongly urge you to watch the presentation prior to attending the dialogue session of your choice.

3. Dialogue means dialogue. We talk. We listen. We hear.
As described in a previous blog, we will be using a process known as “Appreciative Inquiry.” The beauty about Appreciative Inquiry is that it is designed to capture the personal insights and experiences of every participant.

Through one-on-one and group discussions, each person will have the opportunity to share what it is that lies at the heart of authentic worship for them. Regardless of age, experience, or perspective, this process is designed to prompt meaningful dialogue between us about how we experience the power and presence of God each week, and what hopes and dreams we may have about the future of worship in the years to come.

Please note: In order to empower our youth to participate fully in this process, there will be some special accommodations made within each session to ensure the voices of our youngest participants are heard.

4. There will be no decisions made about worship style at these sessions.
The purpose of our worship dialogues is to simply talk, listen and hear.
No decisions will be made at these sessions.

All of the insights shared by participants will be gathered as data by our consultant, who will then code and report the results back to the church in a comprehensive analysis. This report can then be used as a valuable tool in the deliberate process of discerning God’s guidance.

But again, to be clear, while these sessions will provide great insight for the possibility of future decisions, none will be made in these sessions.

For now: We talk. We listen. We hear.

5. It is not too late to register.
If you, or someone you know, have not signed up to attend one of the five sessions, it is not too late. Simply click the card below, and make plans to attend the January 6th presentation.


You will get an email in the coming days confirming your date of choice.

In closing, I want to remind you my dear friends that this is what a church does.
We talk. We listen. We hear. We deliberately discern the guidance of God, together.

Whether the topic is worship, or any other matter central to the vitality and vibrancy of the congregation, we are at our best when we make the time to listen to one another.

We have some incredible days ahead. I can see them already!

Yours on the journey there,

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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