[BE] Generous

Dear JCBC Member,

What an amazing year it has been at JCBC.

Earlier this year, our Faith2Next campaign was an extraordinary demonstration of our congregational courage, vision and generosity, as we pledged more than 111% of our goal of providing a multi-venue worship experience while accelerating the complete and final payoff of our remaining debt.

We have said yes to a bold new way of doing and being the church for generations to come.

That’s why the church has approved a courageous, faith-driven ministry budget for 2018. It’s a budget designed to fund the ministries that we know bring life and hope to our families and the community which God has called us to love; ministries that truly empower us to connect for community, form for fruitfulness, and mobilize for mission, in a shared life of authentic worship.

Perhaps one of the most exciting realities about 2018 is that we get to do all of this connecting, forming, mobilizing and worshiping with a fully staffed team of leaders who are ready to pour out their hearts in leading and loving alongside you, the members of JCBC, for the sake of our community and fate of the world!

But to do all that we imagine God has called us to do; to BECOME all that we imagine God is calling us to [BE], it requires each of us, and all of us, doing our part to carry the load. That’s why I am asking you to submit your pledge of support for our 2018-ministry budget. You can submit your pledge by returning the enclosed card, or by following the link to www.jcbc.org/begenerous.

In addition to pledging your support, I want to let you know of 3 ways you can begin supporting these ministries right now.

  • Write a check. Envelopes are mailed to members, and are available to anyone in the back of our pews, and in the back of the room in the Family Life Center.
  • Online giving. Did you know that more that 27% of all donations at JCBC are done online? You can do this by going through our website and click the recurring “give now” tab. There you can choose a one time or recurring option. Another way to give online is by simply setting up an automatic payment through the bank of your choice, just as many of you do with other payments you make on a regular basis.
  • Text Giving. You can now make a donation (or catch up on this current year’s pledge) by texting JCBCGIVE and the amount to 73256. It is safe and secure and takes just a few seconds to set up. Go ahead. Give it a try.

No matter HOW you choose to support the ministries of JCBC, the most important thing is that you do.
If we each do what God is calling each of us to DO… together, we can [BE] the church God is calling us to [BE].

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?

Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church


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Dr. Wm. Loyd Allen

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