Parenting is hard. I wish there was a handbook that explained the how’s and why’s, but there just isn’t one. And I find myself learning that once I have one of my children ‘figured’ out, something new happens, something changes, and I feel like I have to start over trying to figure out who this little, or maybe not-so-little, person is again. In every stage of parenting, from the beginning to the end, we find ourselves asking more and more questions, scratching our heads at why they do this, or why they do that, and looking to others for answers.

I want to invite parents of all ages to be a part of some great sessions during Midstream, over the next several weeks. From babies to graduation, from hormones to social media, we want to walk alongside you in this thing called parenting. And, whether you are in the middle of one of these stages, already been through it, or are not there yet, you are welcome to be a part of these sessions and discussions.

February 3 – PROM
This session will be an open discussion of what a healthy balance of “prom-posals”, stretch limos, and fancy dinners look like in our current culture, and cover ways to approach the elephants in the room, surrounding prom, and how you, as the parent, can navigate it all.

February 17 – Now My Kid Is…Not a Baby Anymore!
You’ve rocked them to sleep for months, fed them hundreds of bottles, changed thousands of diapers, and watched them sit-up, spit-up, crawl, and now they are walking. That little baby is starting to talk to you, be independent, and they don’t feel like a baby anymore. Now what? I thought this was supposed to get easier.

February 24 – Now My Kid Is…Stressed
You may or may not know this, but your child is facing, and living in an overwhelming volume of measures…what grade did they get, did they make the team, how many friends do they have. From sports, to church, to home, to school, your kids are faced with some stressful things for them. So how do parents reduce that, and take some of the weight off their children?

March 2 – Now My Kid Is…Hormonal
Your son is now interested in things that he never paid attention to before. Your daughter thinks that you are out to ruin her whole life. You don’t even recognize your child physically or emotionally anymore. What’s going on? Who is this child living in my house? In this session we will look how we can navigate your changing child.

March 9 – Now My Kid Is…Using Social Media
It’s Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Snapchat. Wait, what is Snapchat? Our kids are surrounded and influenced by social media each and every day. But, we are you doing to protect them, educate them, and lead them to use it wisely and safely? Whether your children are using it now or will be soon, knowing parameters to keep them safe is highly important.

March 16 – Now My Kid Is…in Middle or High School
Transitioning into Middle School or High School can be incredibly challenging for both the students and the parents. This discussion will engage families that are in this season of life, with wisdom from families are on the other side of this journey. There will also be information on events/groups that are being offered for our youth group, where our students can participate.

We are looking forward to the next several weeks with parents of all ages at Midstream! We look forward to walking alongside you in the wonderful, challenging, amazing journey of parenting that God has placed on us.

AshWed16smallOn Wednesday, February 10th, we want to invite you to participate in our annual Ash Wednesday service. This will be a time of reflection, prayers, confession and renewal, as we anticipate with greater focus and readiness, the resurrection of the One who makes all things new. This service will be a moving and meaningful way to begin our 40-day journey to Easter.

Cass Brannan
Children’s Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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