Dr. Michael McCullar Celebrates 20 Years of Ministry with JCBC!

This past Sunday marked an important milestone in the life of our church.
We observed the 20th anniversary of the ministry of Dr. Michael McCullar. Now in his third decade of service with Johns Creek Baptist, Michael has served our congregation faithfully in significant ways over these many years.

Michael was called to JCBC as Minister of Education in September of 1994, just one month shy of the church’s first anniversary. He served in that capacity for three years, working with staff and lay leaders to reorganize the Sunday School and the overall education program of the church.

As the area continued to explode with new growth, and church membership swelled with new life, Michael transitioned to serve as Executive Pastor. He would minister for the next 15 years in that role, serving a wide array of administrative and organizational needs within the congregation.

Then, a little more than a year ago, as the JCBC ministry strategy was reorganized for greatest effectiveness and mission, Michael transitioned again to serve in the role of Formations Pastor, overseeing the division of the church responsible for spiritual formation, education and Christian discipleship.

In addition to the official roles Michael has fulfilled during his tenure, his personal passion for Missions has lead Johns Creek Baptist for many years to continue exploring new ways to be the hands and feet of Christ all around the globe. Even as you read this blog, Michael prepares to lead another team of JCBC missionaries, to the Dominican Republic, where the crew will build the infrastructure to a clean water system that JCBC funded through our annual missions offering.

It is because of his devotion to Christ, and his love for this church that Michael has served faithfully, these past 20 years. In a world where the average tenure of a Senior Pastor is 4 years, and staff pastors even less than that, we are blessed beyond expression in our congregation, to have enjoyed several long-tenured ministers. That kind of longevity and ministerial perseverance is a rare and precious gift to the church and to the Kingdom of God.

Speaking personally, I am grateful to have Michael on my team, to partner with him in the work of the Gospel, and mostly, to call him friend.

Congratulations on 20 years of faithful service!

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Congratulations Michael! I have certainly enjoyed getting to know you and have already learned much under your teaching and discipleship. I love how you engage those you are teaching to bring about interesting dialogue and interactive learning. I look forward to continued learning through your ministry at JCBC.

    October 1, 2014 4:23 pm

    Michael you have no idea how much your service has meant to so many of us through the years. I could not hold back tears on Sunday morning as you were honored for that faithful service. People all around me rose immediately to their feet to chap together and show our appreciation. Until we get engaged with our Pastors in some sense we never really know them well. Until we pray for them in earnest prayer we never really feel that vital connection that is so important between Christ and HIS TRUE CHURCH…Some going on the mission trip with you { much younger than I} have expressed their joy in being able to go and finish a task that has taken a lot of time, prayer and love to bring to a final finish.
    Much love and sincere prayer goes before you and follows you on this mission. ml

  • When I was young Christian, Dr. Mike was a few years ahead of me in school and was (and still is) my hero of the faith and was also a leader in our youth group at church as well as my basketball coach and mentor.
    I have watched Mike lead a Christ like life for all on my life.
    Congrats to you, Lisa, Malorie, and my main man Jake for 20 years for service to JCBC, here is to another 20 years, hey if Billy Graham can do it, so can you my friend. May God continue to bless you and your family and all those great folks at JCBC.

  • Michael,

    You have a resolve and an inner resource of strength that many of us recognize and appreciate. As a leader in our Church, you are incredibly unique. Your contributions are countless and deserving of praise. Thank you for 20 years of dedicated service to JCBC. As you go forward, it is my wish that you may have as much happiness as tomorrow can promise.

    Iris Goolsby


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