Jubal Choral Concert
Jubal Ministries, Inc.
at Johns Creek Baptist Church
Thursday, April 25th at 7pm
The Jubal Chorus will present a concert on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at Johns Creek Baptist Church, Alpharetta, Georgia. Featured also in the concerts will be Jubal Orchestra, Jubal Handbells and Jubal Vocal Ensembles (the Jubal Tones and Tapestry 3:16.)
The Jubal Chorus is comprised of ministers of music and lay leaders in Georgia Baptist churches who sing under the direction of Dr. Jon Duncan, Artistic Director of Jubal Ministries, Inc. The varied program of the Jubal Chorus consists of hymns, spirituals and anthems.
Paul Aday and Susan Purcell serve as directors of the Jubal Orchestra. The Sons of Jubal and Jubalheir Handbells perform under the direction of Phil Myers. The Jubal Vocal Ensembles perform under the direction of Steve Brown and Donna Babb.
The concert will be presented as part of a series of appearances in Georgia Baptist churches in 2024. Beginning at 7:00 p.m., the concert is free and open to the public. Pre-service music begins at 6:30 p.m.
A love offering will be taken during the concert to support Jubal Ministries.