Serve Day
Mobilization Opportunities
Serve Day, March 23rd
Sign Up Below!
On March 23rd, we will gather at the church for donuts and coffee at 8am and then scatter into the community to serve with some of our local partners. Spots are limited so pre-registration is required.
If you have a group that is interested in participating in one of these Serve Day activities, please email Terri at tbyrd@jcbc.org or call the church office at 678-474-4400 and ask for the Mobilization office.
Community Mission Partners
Backpacks of Love / Alpharetta / 9:00am – Noon / FULL
- Pack donations at the church and deliver to warehouse
- Shelve food and pack backs for delivery (Up to 10 people)
Blue Mountain Church / Blue Ridge / 8:30am – 4:00pm / FULL
- Leave JCBC at 8:30am, Return by 4:00pm / Bring a Sack Lunch
- Landscaping (8-10 people)
Fuller Center for Housing / Cumming Area / 8:30am – 3:00pm
- Leave JCBC at 8:30am, Return by 3:00pm, Bring a Sack Lunch
- Painting Home Exterior (12 people)
Kate’s Club / Trinity Day School on Northside Drive / 9:00am – 2:00pm / FULL
- Leave JCBC at 9:00am, Event is 11:00am-2:00pm, Bring a Sack lunch
- Donut Bar (6-8 people)
7 Bridges to Recovery, Homeless ministry / Atlanta / 9:00am – 3:00pm
- Fix Sandwiches, Give Meals to the Homeless (5-10 people)
The Place of Forsyth / Cumming / 9:00am – noon / FULL
- Work in the Thrift Store (4-10 people)
At Johns Creek Baptist Church
To participate in one of the Serve Day activities at JCBC, please register below or contact Victoria in the Mobilization Office at vwoods@jcbc.org.
Church Beautification
- Pressure Washing, Plant Flowers, Mulching, Plant Removal, Courtyard Cleanup
Oral Hygiene Kit Packing
- Pack individual oral hygiene kits for underserved communities in rural Georgia counties.
Throughout Mission Mobilization Month
Food Donation
We will be collecting food items all month long for Backpacks of Love. Many students who receive these items are homeless, so cans with pop tops are helpful. Items are placed in plastic grocery bags so smaller items are better.
- Small Cans Tuna, Vienna Sausages, or Chicken
- 16 oz Jars of Peanut Butter
- 15 oz Canned Fruit
- 15 oz Can Vegetables
- 15 oz Chef Boyardee Pasta
- Soup or Chili
- Ramen Noodle Square or Cup
- Mac n’ Cheese Cup or Box
- Packets of Oatmeal and Pop Tarts
- Snacks such as single serve cereal, granola bars, fruit snacks, peanut butter crackers
Oral Hygiene Products for Together for Hope
The oral hygiene products will be given to some of our Together for Hope partner organizations who are serving under-resourced rural counties in Georgia.
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Floss
- Flosspicks