
Sep 29 2024


9:30 am - 10:45 am

The Gift of Your Story

The Gift of Your Story
An Advent Sunday School Series
Sundays @ 9:30 / November 26th – December 17th

In 1st Peter 3:15 we are told to, “…be prepared to always give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”



All of us.

Be prepared to give the reason for the hope that you have.  The hope that you have in Jesus Christ.

In the spirit of preparation, all Adult Sunday School communities will be simultaneously participating in an Advent Series called The Gift of Your Story.  On November 26th, December 3rd, and December 17th we will be crafting our personal testimonies based on the practical guidelines Pastor Shaun outlined in his recent sermon, “The Art of Testimonial Architecture.”  Together, we will consider:

  • Our lives before following Christ.
  • Our decision to follow Christ.
  • Our lives since deciding to follow Christ.

Your story is a gift that is uniquely and divinely yours that won’t get told unless you choose to tell it.  We are encouraging every Adult at JCBC to join in on this special Advent series.

Let’s be better prepared to share the hope of the world with those who don’t know him.

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