Church-Wide Faith2Next Dinner Events

Register now for 1 of our 2 Church-wide Dinner Events

It is time now to register for one of two special church-wide dinner events in March that you will absolutely NOT want to miss. But first, a quick update on our Faith2Next Journey, thus far…

The Information Phase of our Faith2Next Campaign has now launched with great success. The vision for the campaign has been shared in person to more than 800 of our members, in over 20 presentations. In addition, our campaign website, now serves as an invaluable (and interactive) resource for ongoing information. As awareness grows among our congregation about the immense potential of Faith2Next, energy and momentum builds!

We now move into the Leadership Phase of the campaign. This month many of JCBC’s Leaders (Campaign Leadership Team, Deacons, Officers, Committees, and Financial Leaders) will be gathering in homes for updated briefings about the progress of the campaign and to begin prayerfully discerning their role in leading the way, and setting the pace for the congregation-at-large. Four leadership events will take place this month, and ANY AND ALL church members are welcome to attend these events to consider making their commitments for the campaign’s success. To reserve your spot, email Rhonda Byrd at

Now, to the primary purpose of this blog.

It is time for ALL members to mark your calendars and register now for one of two special church-wide dinner events in March.

On Thursday, March 9th and Sunday, March 12th, JCBC will host church-wide dinner events in our Family Life Center, each beginning at 6:45 p.m.

The purpose of these events will be for our entire JCBC family to capture the vision of Faith2Next, and experience the thrill of imagining our future together.

Here are a just few things you can expect at both events:

  • A world-class meal, prepared by Chef Chris Harwell.
  • The premier of a newly produced inspirational Faith2Next Video.
  • A first-class Children’s Event running concurrently to the dinner.
  • Musical selections by special guest soloist, Timothy Miller! Mr. Miller is a member of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and a teacher at Morehouse College, but is likely best known for his recurring performances of “God Bless America” in the 7th Inning of every Atlanta Braves baseball game.

Both events are scheduled to begin at 6:45 p.m. and conclude no later than 8:30 p.m.

It is important that every JCBC member registers for one of these two events, indicating the number of people in your party, as well as identifying any children who may be attending the Children’s event (name and age).
You can do that by following this link.

[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Register Now’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=’#0054a3′ hover_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=’#0054a3′ hover_border_color=’#ffffff’ background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=’600′ text_align=’center’ margin=”]

I continue to marvel at what God has been doing in us and among us through this extraordinary journey, and I look forward to taking our next steps of faith together at these special dinners. I pray you will make plans now to attend.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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