Faith2Next: Letter to the Church

Dear JCBC Family,

What an exciting week we have had at JCBC!
Both of our Faith2Next Church-wide dinners were extremely well attended and well received by our congregation. I am so very grateful to the many volunteers it took to host such a classy event.

If you were not able to attend the dinners, you may have missed our newest promotional video for Faith2Next. It features many of our members and demonstrates the growing enthusiasm for this incredible opportunity God has placed before us. I want to urge you to take the time to watch the video in its entirety.

When I think about how far we have come in this Faith2Next journey, I marvel at what God has been able to do within us and among us.

After two years of intelligent congregational dialogue, we have discerned a way forward, by faith. With God’s guidance, we have articulated a vision to expand our worship opportunities and become a debt-free congregation!

Over these recent months, there has been a surge of new energy and interest among our people, as we have prayerfully gathered in large and small group presentations, leadership dinners, and strategy meetings to understand the significance of what a successful Faith2Next campaign would mean for the future of our church.

In less than five months, multi-venue worship will become a reality.
Within the next three years, the vision of a debt-free JCBC will no longer be only a dream.

But in the meantime, we need you in order for our faith to become sight.

For Faith2Next to succeed, it is vital that every member takes part.
We succeed not by giving equal gifts, but by making equal sacrifices.

That is why I am asking you to sincerely pray about what God would have you do to support the vision of Faith2Next.

I am asking you to make your pledge by Sunday, March 26th, 2017.
A commitment card and return envelope has been mailed to your home. You can return the envelope by mail, drop it in our many collection boxes located around the church, OR simply follow this link to our Faith2Next website and submit your pledge online now.

If you have any questions, please call 404-374-5577 or email

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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