Give. Pray. Fast.

We are now one full week into the season of Lent.
Last Wednesday night, more than 300 worshippers gathered in our Sanctuary to inaugurate the Lenten journey with our annual Ash Wednesday service.

We sang, prayed, reflected and repented.
With cross-imposed Ash upon our foreheads, we became mindful (if only for a while) of our humanness, our mortality, our common struggle, and our hope.

We called one another to “remember that we are dust…and to dust we shall return.”

In this season, many Christians worldwide choose to take up spiritual disciplines and practices in order to “unclutter the soul” and become focused upon the sacrifice of Christ for all humankind.

During our Ash Wednesday service, I suggested three:

Give. Pray. Fast.

These are the three traditional practices of Temple Piety in first century Judaism. These are the same three described by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.

What would your Lenten journey look like if you were to commit to practicing these three simple disciplines regularly?

During our service, I recommended practical tips for exercising these practices each day, in creative ways.

If you were unable to join us on Ash Wednesday, I recommend taking an hour to watch the video of our special service, and be strengthened in your own journey toward the joy of Easter weekend.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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Ash Wednesday 2017
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