The point and purpose of Lent, is movement.
Lent, as a journey, is a reminder that we are headed somewhere.

This season of contemplation and confession, reflection and repentance only matters when we understand that we are in motion, moving redemptively toward the resurrection and renewal of Easter.

That is why I want to make sure you, and your family, make plans to attend each of these 6 unique events and services planned during Holy Week.

  1. Easter2016PalmSundayBlurb2Palm Sunday Celebration
    On Sunday, March 20th during the 11:00 worship service, our children will call us to worship with our traditional Parade of Palms. In this service, pay particular attention to the use of Palms branches. Remember it is from these palms of praise that we make the ash used on our Ash Wednesday service. It is a poignant reminder that from our highest moments of worship and praise, to our very lowest, most earthly and human moments of ash and dust, our lives are engulfed by the sea of God’s deep, deep love. The sermon for the day will be from John 12:12-32, and will be entitled “If I Be Lifted Up…”
  1. Easter2016NOPBlurbA Night of Praise with the Johns Creek Baptist Choir and Orchestra
    On the evening of Palm Sunday, March 20th at 6:00 p.m. our Music Ministry will host a moving evening of worship and adoration, through many of JCBC’s favorite and most celebrated anthems. The congregation will lift its voice together in song as we remember the triumphal entry of our Lord, not only into Jerusalem, but into our hearts anew.
  1. Easter2016EggHuntBlurbJCBC Community Wide Easter Egg HuntOn Wednesday, March 23rd beginning at 5:00 p.m. JCBC will host a massive egg hunt for the children of our community. The purpose of this event is to reach out to the families in our community and make significant connections with many who may not have a church home. In addition to the hunt, there will be a variety of inflatable bounce houses and food trucks! There will be no Wednesday night dinner, or evening bible study that night.
    • Food trucks and bounce houses will be from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    • Age graded hunts will be from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    In order to have the maximum impact possible, we are calling on JCBC families to be fully present and attentive to the hundreds of neighbors and guests who will be on our campus for this special event.
  1. Easter2016MThursdayBlurbMaundy-Thursday Service
    On Thursday evening, March 24th at 6:30 p.m. we will gather for a meaningful time of worship, in preparation of Easter. We will consider the deeply moving events of that night in the life of our Lord and will experience the Lord’s Supper by way of intinction (dipping of the bread into the cup). This service will be saturated with the Gospel of John. The Pastoral meditation will come from John 13. Then, John 14-19 will be addressed creatively through various readings and narrations. Maundy-Thursday is a powerful way to prepare the heart and mind for Easter. I hope you will bring someone you care about, and join us.
  1. Easter2016StationsBlurbStations of the Cross
    On Friday evening, March 25th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. the church will be open for worshippers to come and go at will, and to participate in the Stations of the Cross. This creative and experiential worship opportunity involves moving from one worship ‘station’ to the next, where there will be readings, reflections, sights, smells, art, and even activities in order to fully engage the worshipper in a multisensory experiential worship event. Worshippers can come anytime between 4:00 pm. and 7:00 p.m., but the experience (from start to finish) usually lasts only 20 minutes in duration. Stations of the Cross will be in the Heritage Room.
  1. Easter2016ServiceBlurbEaster Sunday
    On Sunday morning, March 27th, JCBC will join millions of Christians around the world as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. We will have two worship services on Easter: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. There will be no Sunday School on Easter morning. As a courtesy to guests, seniors, and those who are physically challenged, I am asking all who are able to park as far away from the entrances as possible, as we work together to accommodate the great crowds of worshippers who will join us on that day.

As we continue to move toward the activities of Holy Week, and the joy of Resurrection, may Christ continue to draw you forward, ever deeper into the mystery of His love.

By God’s good grace,

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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