iMAGiNEXT 2016: Welcoming the Stranger

On any given Sunday, JCBC is host to any number of people who have walked through our doors for the very first time.  Something has happened, or something has changed, or something has stirred which has caused them to make that bold step.  We don’t always know the reason and, really, it doesn’t matter.  Our responsibility is to acknowledge and embrace them.  Our task is to Welcome the Stranger.

That’s something we, as a church, will be talking a lot about as the year progresses.

Welcoming the proverbial stranger is primarily a function of two things; Attitude and Action.  Clearly, a warm, embracing, welcoming attitude permeates this place.  I hear it time and time again from the many newcomers with whom I have the privilege to interact.  We already have a firm foundation on which to build.  I am grateful for that.

What about the second thing…Action?  There is a great deal that can, and will, be said about actively welcoming the stranger in our midst.  For right this instant, though…there is this: be a part of the organized Hospitality Ministry of JCBC.  This coming Sunday, during the iMAGiNEXT Fair, visit the Connections Ministry area located in the Heritage Room.  You will have a chance to learn about and volunteer for such hospitality driven roles as Door Greeter, Worship Host, Hospitality Hub Host, Pew Stuffer, and Guest Parking Attendant.

Our goal is to help make that bold step of walking through our door, for the very first time, easy and more comfortable for those who have mustered the courage to take it.  Our goal is to help make that first visit a positive experience.  Our goal is to make the second visit a no-brainer.

Our goal is to Welcome the Stranger.

I’ll see you this Sunday, February 21st in the Heritage Room.

David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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