Children’s Pastor, Jill Jenkins, Announces Retirement

My mind is still reeling from last year’s JCBC theme of ImagineXt. Little did I know how God would speak to me as we were brainstorming the scope and reach of that topic at our annual staff retreat. Then as possibilities of new challenges kept popping up in my conversations with co-workers and Rick, I knew that some time was needed to pray and listen. This spurred us as a couple into discovering what was next for us. I want to share my ImagineXt with you.

I feel God’s timing in announcing my upcoming retirement in May. Rick and I are excited about the opportunity to travel, to coach, to consult, to encourage struggling children’s ministries or whatever else God cooks up! Unless God reveals otherwise, we plan to stay in the church because you are our family. We love doing life with you. That doesn’t mean that life may not take us other places because only God knows that. But, JCBC has been the village that helped us raise our children and grieved and celebrated life with us. We love you and are thrilled to have your friendship and hopefully, your prayers.

There is such satisfaction and meaning to being able to serve, especially a church that is as loving and accepting as JCBC. I love you and thank God for you! Rick and I are looking forward to more everyday adventures with you that lead us closer to God!

So I might not be quite used up yet, but I pray that I will be during my retirement years. And to quote George Bernard Shaw, “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap…”

Wonderful exciting things are in store for all of us! Let’s keep asking every day, “God, what would you have me to be and to do?” What is your ImagineXt? I would love to hear.

Peace and blessings and ImagineXting!

Jill Jenkins
Children’s Pastor

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7 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you Jill for your many years of outstanding service and making such a difference in the lives of so many…adults and children. We know you have much more to give and wish you only the best.

  • Ann Livingston
    January 14, 2015 2:33 pm

    Jill, at times, God has used you as a mighty wind and at other times as a calming breeze but always a welcomed presence. As you face a new directions, may your life always swing and sway with the movement of the Holy Spirit. God speed!

  • Ira Humphries
    January 14, 2015 3:17 pm

    May God bless you and Rick on your retirement! I know you will still continue to do great things.

    January 14, 2015 3:27 pm

    Dear Pastor Jill.. I have mixed feelings about the announcement of your leaving us.
    FIRST your presence with us has always been a blessing to this Church.. You are loved by more people than you can imagine… STILL I am not surprised that your kind of personal ministry has been seen as a pattern or a method that might be of help to those who are going into ministry to CHILDREN . As well as for those who may be serving already in other places.. Your Faith in Christ has always been so much a part of who you are. And so evidently expressed that nobody can miss the focus of your spiritual Vision.. God bless you in your next venture with the HOLY SPIRIT.. I know that you will be a blessing wherever you serve in Christ’s name. May GOD continue to bless and keep you safe and content in what you feel called to do.
    Mary Lou.

  • I hope all happiness follows you and Rick. I took the leap myself in 2013. If you make it to North Carolina, let me know. We have rooms to share. Congrats my friend.

  • Joan Chamblee
    January 14, 2015 5:42 pm

    MRS. JILL, how can it have been 28 years since we met at RFBC? I am so privileged to have known you and your wonderful family; so blessed to have had you minister to and love my children during their younger years; so fortunate to have worked with and learned from you. I know that the church family at JCBC has experienced all of these things during your years of service there. And now, as you retire, God will be able to send you and Rick to love, minister and teach so many others!! Please let us know the plans for your retirement celebration so that those of us from RFBC may join in! Love, MRS. JOAN

  • Congratulations Jill!! I’m sure you will be missed but I’m also certain God will continue to refine and use the gifts He has planted in you to build up the Body of Christ in many places. Coach on!


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