The purpose of Let’s Yoga is to develop new friendships and deepen relationships through movement in community. In today’s world, we often neglect caring for our physical body and our awareness is pulled out of the present moment by distractions calling our attention. At Let’s Yoga, we focus on bringing our awareness back into the present moment where the Spirit is trying to speak and caring for the bodies that God created for us to live in and steward.

Each week we will work on improving strength, balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. Studies continually show that yoga is beneficial to multiple facets of physical and mental health, including heart health, better sleep, and reduced stress. In a world where we are encouraged to go faster and move harder, yoga provides an opportunity to slow down and be present as we mindfully move and reconnect with our breath.

Classes meet each Tuesday morning at 10:00 and taught by Pastor Annie Westbrook who has completed classes for YTT 200 certification.

When coming to a yoga class at JCBC, we encourage you to bring mat and wear clothes that you can comfortably move around in. If you do not have a mat, we have extras you can borrow. We look forward to seeing you on your mat soon!

C’mon Johns Creek…Let’s Yoga!

Get Started!

We need you to JOIN THE GROUP by completing the form below so that we will be able to better plan the classes and so that we will be able to contact Let’s Yoga group members directly to make sure you’re kept up to date on the latest news.

Experience Level

Helpful Resources