Looking Back…Loving Forward

With banners, table clothes and folded tables still being put away, our Pastoral staff spent the better part of Tuesday reflecting and reviewing Sunday’s Mobilization Fair. Hearts overflowing with gratitude to God, we had much to celebrate. Here are just a few of the comments shared around the table:

For me the most meaningful moment was seeing the hallways full of people exploring their next, and the gym full of our church members who were supporting the youth group’s Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic (We raised $3,817.85 for the trip).”
~ Chris Moore, Youth Pastor

For me, the most meaningful part of the fair was in hearing and overhearing this kind of statement repeatedly: ‘I’ve heard you guys talk about how large and wide our missions program is, but until I saw all the tables I had no idea.’”
~Michael McCullar, Formations Pastor

I think we found out a lot about ourselves this past weekend. This was a statement weekend, and our folks made one — ‘we want to take a next step in our walk.’ It was also encouraging that we as a church made a statement as well — ‘we want you to do what you are passionate about…whether it is at JCBC or with one of our partners.’ It was so encouraging to see our entire body of folks fired up about serving.”
~Ed Rivers, Operations Director

What impressed me most about my time at the booth was the cross-generational willingness of our people to mobilize their skills and talents in whatever way could help the ministry. I spoke to members between 13 years of age and beyond 80 who were willing to selflessly offer time and efforts.”
~Nathaniel Ballance, Recreation Director

Early Sunday morning long before Sunday School began, one of our families who has a kindergartner wandered from booth to booth picking up information, touching displays and explaining the ministries of the day to their son. You could see the interest in his face. What a great teachable moment with this child to participate in this event the same way as the rest of his family. His point of view will probably help his family to take the next iMAGiNEXT! step and he will be a huge part of it.”
~Jill Jenkins, Children’s Pastor

The most memorable moments I experienced during this past weekend’s mobilization fair can be lumped in one category simply titled, ‘Realization.’ One of those moments was my own. About halfway through our a capella rendition of Holy, Holy, Holy, I realized that I, along with all of my colleagues, had done everything we could possibly do to set the table. We had worked tirelessly to assist the Holy Spirit of God in its work in the hearts and minds of people in our care. Tears flowed down my cheeks as we sang that song…and as I realized the powerful potential of what lay ahead. I witnessed so many other moments of realization on Sunday. One of my favorite comments during this season of deliberate discernment came from one of our young adult women who said, ‘Wow. I get it now. iMAGiNEXT is more than just a t-shirt.’ My most important and humbling realization? We’ve only just begun. Onward.”
~David White, Connections Pastor

I am extremely grateful to the numerous individuals and groups who made Sunday a great culmination to our Missio Dei series. Many thanks go to our multiple booth operators, volunteers, guest missions partners, and the hardest working church staff this side of God’s Great River! A special word of thanks goes to the Haywood and Durham Sunday School Communities for providing delicious breakfast foods for all booth operators.

What now?
Now, we move forward.

See, the Mobilization Fair (rightly understood) was not only a culmination event, but more importantly, a catalyst event. For many of you, Sunday was the beginning of a new journey. You mustered the courage to dive headlong into the surging river of God’s sending love. From here, we allow the current to take us where the current wills.

Every person who signed up to mobilize at any of our booths will be receiving this week, as promised, the practical next steps to take. You will receive a note from me and instructions from the booth operator you met, instructing you on HOW, WHEN AND WHERE to take the next step.

If you did not attend the Mobilization Fair, or perhaps you attended but did not sign up for anything as yet, never fear. It’s not too late. Remember, in Christ, there is never not a next. In the coming days, you will be receiving an email form that enables you to sign up for any of the options that were available on Sunday.

By God’s Grace and with God’s help, we are attempting to truly empower and equip followers of Jesus Christ to mobilize love in his name.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • The mobilization fair was fantastic.! We have a wonderful new pastor, a wonderful staff, and I could not be happier.

    • J.Ray Batson
      March 6, 2014 5:08 pm

      Thanks to all who had a part in the tremendous day we had at church last Sunday. The Missions Fair was tremendous! what a great ministry we are involved in. I am grateful to God I am a part of such a loving,compassionate ,giving Church. I thank God for our Pastor and all the staff.I leave the services knowing I have been drawn closer to my precious Lord and Savior..almost 79 years now. This June I will celebrate my 70th. anniversary of preaching my first sermon. How precious the Lord was to me then and continues to be. Thanks for helping me to realize that we must daily forget the past,and daily listen to the still small voice to constantly follow Him to touch as many people daily as we can for Him. Together WE CAN
      make a difference in our church, community,state, country and world .

      In His love

      J>Ray Batson


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