Dear JCBC Member:
Cass-Brannan-FamilyThe Senior Pastor and Formations Pastor, in conjunction with the Children’s Ministry Transition Focus Group, Stewardship Committee and Deacon Body are prepared to recommend the call of Cass Brannan as JCBC’s next Children’s Pastor. After an extensive search process (spanning six months), and multiple interviews with a wide array of candidates in the field, it is our belief that Rev. Brannan brings the kind of high-level experience and skill needed to lead the JCBC Children’s Ministry to a new era of excellence.
Please take a moment to watch the introduction video to Cass, above. There will be an opportunity to meet the Brannans this Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room. At 6:00 p.m. there will be “Pizza with the Pastor.” All families as well as teachers/workers, etc are invited to come, eat some pizza, and meet the Brannan family. Then, at 6:30 p.m. there will be “Conversation with Cass.” At this time, childcare will be provided for all children 4 and under. Cass will share his personal testimony and answer questions about his vision and hope for ministry with Children.
Then, plan to be present for a special called Church Conference to be held immediately after worship on Sunday, July 19th, in the sanctuary. The purpose of this special called conference is to vote on the call of Cass to serve as Children’s Pastor.
These are exciting days for us as a congregation. Make plans now to be fully engaged in these important events as we take new and next steps in our ministry with children.
Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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