Night of Worship: Mountains and Valleys

So, here’s the thing.

We know that you care genuinely and deeply about your family, your friends, and your neighbors.  And, we also know that you feel strongly that the church – YOUR church – has something to offer those people you care about.  We know that you would like to bring “your people” and “your church” together.

How do we know?  Because you told us.  In our Shared Life Survey, 78% of you said that you had invited 1 or more people to church in the last year.  Seventy-eight percent.  That’s extraordinary.

But, then there’s also this.  According to the same survey, 78% of you feel that you could use more help putting your faith into action and sharing your faith with others.

There’s a lot of work to be done – including fleshing out what it may even mean to put our faith into action or to share our faith with others, not to mention how to go about it.

But, we don’t have to wait.  Let us equip you to do something – to mobilize – right now.

You see, life is hard for everyone you know in one way or another – at some time or another.  It has its ups and downs — its highs and lows.  Most people are pretty good at covering it up, but it’s universally true.  At times, everyone feels like the valleys are just too deep and the mountains are just too steep to climb.  At times, everyone is overwhelmed.  Frustrated. Confused. Exhausted. Hopeless.

But, we know the One who is with us through it all.  The One who brings shelter, and rest, and hope and peace – if only for just a little while.  Right?  That’s the One in whom you’ve placed your faith, right?  That’s the One you want to share, right?

On Sunday September 15th, at 6:00 PM in the Family Life Center, we are hosting a contemporary Night of Worship themed Mountains and Valleys.  We will worship and reflect together – for just a little while – and leave strengthened, encouraged, refreshed, renewed and resolved.  That’s where you come in.  That’s where you put your faith into action and share your faith with others.  Specifically, do these 3 things:

  1. Be here to stand with and next to those who desperately need to have their rugged path smoothed out.  With those who need to catch their breath.  Your presence – your solidarity – IS putting your faith into action.
  2. Bring somebody you think needs to be here with you.  Don’t stop with just a mention or a casual invitation.  Pick them up.  Put them in your car.  Bring them here.  That IS sharing your faith.
  3. Post like crazy.  Share the JCBC Facebook and Instagram posts about the night like crazy.  That IS putting your faith into action and sharing (literally) your faith with others.

And who knows, maybe you’ll find a little hope and peace and strength for your journey too.

Adam Courtney
Contemporary Worship Leader
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Spot on, Adam! I’m personally taking you up on your “3 Things” challenge – I’m stepping up to put my faith in action and to share my faith with others. JCBC – and this ministry specifically – can count on me!

  • ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    I can’t love this enough!


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