“Not Unto Us” CD Release

Back in March, more than 100 faithful members of the Worship Ministry of Johns Creek Baptist Church, over the course of five days, recorded a CD. It was a tedious process, recording sections of the orchestra and keyboards, solos, and choir all separately. It certainly has been an “iMAGINEXT” for our Worship Ministry. But it’s been a labor of love. Many of these songs are favorites of our choir and orchestra. We enjoyed so much getting these songs prepared and then recording them.

So, why? Why would we spend so much time and energy in recording a CD?

Worship…Worship is setting our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on God, as one theologian put it. It is expressing our love and praise for who the Lord is, and our gratitude for all He has done. We have worshiped through these songs and our prayer is that you will worship through them also. We hope that the words of these songs will help you express your adoration for the Lord…
”Thou, o Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head.”
“Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.”
“My great God cares for me.”
“Amazing grace, my chains are gone!”
“Hallelujah” “…for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised!”
“Not unto us, o Lord, but unto Your name all honor and glory.”

Witness…These songs help us to worship the Lord ourselves. But they are also a mighty witness…a testimony of what God has done and is doing in our lives…
“Lord, You hear each spoken plea, but love us way too much to give us lesser things.”
“The Lord has promised good to me, His Word my hope secures…”
“I cried unto the Lord and He heard me…the Lord sustained me.”
“I stand amazed that a God Who’s so great would know what I need. He’s always there. He’s hears my prayer. My great God cares for me.”
“The God Who calls me here below will be forever mine.”

Ministry…Who do you know that needs to hear the words of encouragement? There is something about the combination of music and powerful words that speaks to the heart like nothing else. The music opens up the door of the heart so the message can go deeper…and last longer. Ever notice how you can learn a song as a child….and years later remember it? Something about the way God created our minds and hearts responds to the combination of music and words. Someone you know needs to be lifted up by these compelling musical testimonies.

These CD’s are a dynamic tool, using both familiar hymns and fresh new songs…
To help us worship individually.
To witness to the greatness and love of our Lord.
To let others experience what great work God is doing here at Johns Creek Baptist and may prayerfully consider joining their hearts with ours in service.

There are two parts to every story: the part we do and the part God does. Our Worship Ministry has done their part by recording the CD. We can further do our part by sharing these CD’s. Then, let’s all pray that God will do what only He can do…minister to hearts and lives. To take our small offering, bless it, break it, and feed the multitude.

Glenn Crosthwait
Worship Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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