Worship Study Presentation

I have some exciting news to share regarding worship at JCBC.

You will recall that in a special called church conference in May of this year, our congregation voted unanimously to adopt the proposal of the JCBC Worship Study Team.

It was on that night that our congregation declared a unified “yes” to our future.

We courageously adopted a proposal to establish an additional contemporary worship service to be offered alongside our current traditional/blended service. The adopted report (which can be read in full here) described in detail the background to our study, the congregational values we wish to honor moving forward, and two strategic initiatives designed to accomplish our task.

That same night, two teams of leaders were elected and charged with the responsibility of making sure the stated goals and action items of the two strategic initiatives would be accomplished with excellence, and in a timely manner.

Since mid-June, both of these teams have been working diligently on their tasks.

  • They have gone on site to multiple churches in the greater Metro Atlanta region to experience first hand the kind of simulcast/virtual-teaching venues that will be a part of JCBC’s new worship design.
  • They have recorded and reported their observations both away and at home, to discern what designs/concepts would be an appropriate fit.
  • They have met with companies specializing in worship design, and multi-site technologies to discover the size and scope of the work necessary to help us accomplish our task at JCBC.
  • A “Budget-Impact Subcommittee” was developed to consider every financial aspect of the project, and in collaboration with the Stewardship Committee to ultimately propose a funding strategy.

After countless large and small group meetings throughout June, July, and August, we are now prepared to present an implementation plan to the church.

That is why I want to invite you to two very important events.

1. The JCBC Worship Study Report: A Congregational Preview
On Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary, there will be a detailed presentation of the plan to implement the JCBC Worship Study. The presentation will include…

  • Visual renderings of upgraded space in both the Sanctuary and Gymnasium.
  • Explanations of how the multi-site technologies will work.
  • Projected costs and recommendations on a comprehensive funding strategy.
  • A detailed timeline for implementation.

I encourage all members to be in attendance at this exciting and informative presentation. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers, but there will be no action taken this night. The September 14 presentation is for informational purposes only. It is for the deliberate purpose of understanding the details of the project. The vote for approval will take place the following week at the Special Called Church Conference.

2. Special Called Church Conference
On Wednesday, September 21st at 6:00 p.m. there will be a Special Called Church Conference in the Gym. The purpose of this conference will be two fold…

  • Approval of 2017 Ministry Budget
  • Approval of Worship Study Implementation and Funding Plan

In preparation for this Special Called Church Conference, it will be important to attend the congregational preview the week prior (September 14th) to best understand the Worship Study proposal in detail.

In addition, a copy of the 2017 Ministry Budget will be emailed to the congregation on the Sunday prior (as is our annual custom).

These are very exciting times in the life of our congregation.
I pray you and your family will be in attendance, as we move into our future together.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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