20 years.
Much can happen in twenty years.

I remember what I was doing 20 years ago. Do you?
It was October 16th, 1993.

I was on my very first date with the woman who would become my wife. We attended an on-campus production of “The King and I.” (Fitting, wouldn’t you say?)
After the production we walked a bit, then sat on a bench in front of her dormitory and talked for three hours. I’ll spare you all the romantic (sappy) details for another time. Suffice it to say, it was a trajectory-changing weekend for us, and for the story of who we were becoming.

That same weekend, 254 miles away, in the small, undeveloped town of Johns Creek, another trajectory was being set.
Another story.
Another us,

It was the first official worship service of Johns Creek Baptist Church, on Sunday morning, October 17th, 1993. This month our congregation celebrates 20 years as Johns Creek Baptist Church.

And that, my friends, is worth a party.
Wouldn’t you say?

So, consider this your official invitation!
You’ve been saving the date for several weeks. Now it is time to make plans to attend. On Sunday morning, October 20th, 2013 the JCBC family will officially observe and celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Worship will be especially meaningful that day, with several creative elements planned to help us celebrate and rehearse our congregational narrative; this
unfolding story of us. Many special guests will be with us, including Dr. Bill Self, JCBC’s founding Senior Pastor.

The culminating moment of worship that morning will be when our entire congregation will be dismissed to reassemble outside on the front parking lot. There, we will encircle one another, near the same spot where more than 20 years prior, a very small circle of faithful members prayed for God to do what only God could do.

After returning thanks to God, and lifting a prayer for our next 20 years of ministry and mission, the festivities will continue with dinner on the grounds, a music entertainment stage, and a wide array of games and activities for children of all ages.

In addition to the festivities, I am excited to announce the arrival of our new church history book, which will be available that day! Barbara Brown and Dave Brown, along with the assistance of the History Committee have chronicled a fantastic telling of our story in Johns Creek Baptist Church: The First 20 Years. The book will be available in hardback as well as Kindle. Pre-ordering information will be available soon.

You will NOT want to miss this Sunday.
More than that, make it a priority to invite someone to join you in the celebration.

Come, be a part of the celebration.
Be a part of the story unfolding.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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