3 ways to Mobilize Now

It’s moving.
Can you sense it? Can you perceive it?
The current of God’s ‘sending love’ is flowing, teeming, surging.
And its desire is to move to us and through us to a thirsty world in need.

This…is missio dei.
The mission of God is for all people to know, experience and engage the unconditional love of God, and to be set free from all kinds of bondage and enslavement. Simply put, the mission of God to lavish the world with redemptive love. And the greatest mystery of all is that you and I are invited to participate in God’s great mission.

That is why throughout the month of February, we are centering our congregational energies in seeking to understand and respond to the unique call that God places on each of our lives.

For months, through iMAGINEXT, we have been prompting and provoking the imagination, to consider ways in which Christ may be bidding us to new and next step in faith.

Now, it is time to mobilize.
Now it is time to let our faith grow feet.

There are 3 ways you can take a significant step, even now.
Three ways to mobilize your faith, and move it to a next level.

  1. Take the iMAGINEXT assessment.
    Right now, on our church website, we have provided a very user-friendly, interactive tool, designed to help individuals assess where they currently are on the journey with Christ, and to consider ways in which Christ may be bidding them to take one more step forward in faith.

    With just a few prompting questions, you can fill in the fields right there, online, and be routed to a spectacular array of opportunities at JCBC for you to more fully engage the mission of God, where you are, right now.

    At the end of the assessment, you will be taken to a page where we have organized all of our ministry opportunities in two main areas of focus…
    Loving God and Loving People.

    *Note: All of these many opportunities for service and mobilization will be represented at our upcoming JCBC Mobilization Fair, on March 2, 2014. It will be there that you can inquire, sign up and step in to any number of wonderful streams of God’s sending love already flowing strong.

    Your information will be collected and someone will reach out to you to help empower and equip you in taking your next step.

    The link is here: Mobilize Now!

  2. Attend the special Mobilization Seminars.
    Each Sunday during our Missio Dei series, there will be special seminars in the Heritage room at 9:00 a.m., and then repeated again at 9:45 (during Sunday School).

    The purpose of these seminars is to educate our congregation on the particular missional partners we are supporting through our Annual Missions Offering, already underway. Last week, our guests were Steve and Louise Meeker and Austin White, representing Hope2Live Ministries in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

    This Sunday, February 16th, we welcome Shirley Cabe, of Norcross Cooperative Ministries, a local partner in mission, providing emergency assistance, tutoring, food, clothing and ESL classes for families in the Gwinnett area.

    Next Sunday, February 23, our guest will be David Harding, President of Water is Life International, and CBF Field Personnel to Ethiopia. David will be speaking about the transforming power of clean water, and the exponential impact one well can have on a village and community.

    Whether you come early and catch the 9:00 seminar, or your Sunday School community chooses to go as one large body at 9:45, let me strongly urge you to make one of these seminars a priority. Come and discover the beautifully diverse ways in which the Mission of God finds expression in the world, and how our missions giving is making a difference.

  3. Do the Fair.
    Simply put, if you are serious about imagining and mobilizing your next step in faith, you cannot afford to miss this event.

    On Sunday, March 2nd, 30+ booths will be arranged throughout the halls of JCBC, each featuring real opportunities to mobilize faith in tangible ways.

    The Mobilization Fair will kick off at 9:00 a.m., will run through Sunday School, and then will pick right back up immediately after worship until 2:00 p.m. You may choose to do the fair early or late. Regardless, the booths will be open, staffed, and ready to greet you whenever you come.

    Regardless of when you visit the fair, be sure to stay for lunch!
    Our Youth Ministry will be providing a delicious spaghetti luncheon, as a fund raiser for their mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
    Tickets for that meal are on sale each Sunday before and after worship.
    Even as we eat, mobilization will be underway!

In the coming days, our staff Pastors will be blogging about specific booths that will be featured at our mobilization fair. Let me encourage you to take the weeks leading up to the fair as a time to read, pray, and carefully discern where God may be calling you to join the Mission of God.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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Mobilizing to Impact Our World
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March Mobilization Madness

1 Comment. Leave new

  • I am more excited than ever! We will be able to show God’s love in an overt way. For me, I believe God wants me to do hospital visits and be a Worship Host. He has given me this ability to talk with people and quickly start a relationship. No one could love our church and the feeling of God’s love in our sanctuary more than me. Let’s get started.


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