Scattered, Smothered & Covered Plus…3 Things You Can Do, To Make This Sunday Special

When Summer arrives, the church scatters. No surprise there.
But what if that’s not as negative as it sounds?

Could there be something redemptive and purposeful to this mid year diaspora?

For one, I can think of nothing more redemptive and purposeful than family vacations. What better way could there be to live out the values that we speak of each Sunday, than to deliberately make time for rhythms of rest and renewal.

But there is another value to the summer scatter. One that all-too-often remains unobserved, and under-celebrated.

I’m talking about Summertime Mobilization.

It may surprise you to know how many members within our congregation have spent time over the last two months responding to some variation of the call of God upon their lives.

To do so, some have traveled. Others have stayed put.
Either way, many within our JCBC family have opened up their lives in very significant ways over the past two months, so that the love of Christ would be mobilized within and through them…over the Summer!

That, my friends, is worth celebrating.

So, this Sunday, August 3rd our theme for worship will be “Scattered, Smothered & Covered.” We will not only celebrate those who have been mobilized over the Summer, but I will also bring a challenging message about our Lord’s call to remain deliberately scattered in order to love and serve a world in deep, deep need.

Here are 3 things you can do to make this Sunday special…

1. Have you been on mission this Summer? Let us know.
While many of our members have participated in official JCBC sponsored trips, mobilization events and mission projects, several have answered the call to serve in ways we have not yet heard. Have you gone on a medical mission trip? Did you serve with your school, your club, or another church? We want to know, so we can celebrate what God is doing in your life.

2. Got a shirt for it? Wear it.
Whether you did a mission trip, went to a Student Ministry camp, served at VBS or one of our JCBC camps; worked with the Presidio students, or any number of other mobilization opportunities, if you received a tee-shirt for it, wear it Sunday. We want to present to God a symbol of the many diverse ways we heard and responded to God’s call this Summer.
The congregation is encouraged to dress casually Sunday, for this unique focus.

3. Know a newcomer? Bring them to “Let’s Eat” on Sunday.
What better day could there be for you to bring a guest to church than on a Sunday when we celebrate how we mobilize love, together. Bring them, and let them catch a glimpse of a movement too inviting to resist. Then, right after worship, bring them to the Heritage Room, where we will provide lunch for them AND you. There, they will meet the staff and will be given a warm invitation to join us for our next 4D orientation class which begins the following week. Many guests come seeking, because they sense within their own lives a call to mobilize their faith. The “Let’s Eat” and “4D” programs are designed to help them make those connections in ways that really matter.

And, oh yeah, the food on this day of Scattering, Smothering and Covering?
You guessed it. Waffle House.

See you at church.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Carolyn Comatas
    August 2, 2014 2:32 pm

    Senior Citizens in Fulton County who cannot drive, need a caring, and faithful driver, This is what I have done and am doing. This indirectly led me to a in need Christian, who needs to be around other Christians. I am presently hoping (with her consent) to fill this need in several areas.


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