A Small Step and A Giant Leap

On July 21st, 1969 – Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the surface of the moon.  He was followed minutes later by astronaut Buzz Aldrin.  Over 500 million people around the world watched history unfold.  Few of us will never forget hearing those scratchy, crackling words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Though remarkable, it’s not the historic achievement I hope to draw attention to.  No, rather, it’s the date.

July 21st.  Otherwise known as the day we celebrate…in a big way…Believer’s Baptism!

Over the past few weeks, we have been encouraging all those who have been considering baptism to reach out to us.  Perhaps you made the decision to follow Jesus long ago and have not yet had the opportunity to be baptized.  July 21st is for you.  Perhaps you are just now making a decision – for the very first time – to become a Christian.  July 21st is for you.  Perhaps you have grown up in another faith tradition and would like to build on that tradition by joining this church and being baptized.  July 21st is for you.  If you are a follower of Jesus and have been baptized already, July 21st is for you, too.  Be here to support and celebrate with our brothers and sisters.

If you would like to join the others who are being baptized on July 21st, or if you would like to talk about it further – simply call or email one of your Pastors.  Any of us will happily think it through with you.

This I know for sure, if you decide to join the thousands of others in this church who have participated in Believer’s Baptism…you will remember the 21st of July as the day you, too, made a giant leap.

And when that celebration is concluded, join us for another one immediately following worship.  The celebration of fellowship and the celebration of time spent together.  It’s JCBC Day at Gwinnett Stripers!  Go here now to purchase or reserve your tickets.

David White
Connections Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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