THAT kind of church.

There is something different about Johns Creek Baptist Church.

In my 26 years of Christian ministry, I have served as Senior pastor in three churches, been on staff in four, preached in dozens, and have worshiped in countless others. I’ve experienced all kinds of ecclesiastical traditions, considered every sort of doctrinal confession, and observed just about every ilk of theological expression.

So, I say it confidently, from experience–there really is something different about JCBC.

If you were to ask any of our members what it is, they may give you any number of explanations.
Or, equally possible? They may not know where to start…or stop.

“The JCBC Experience,” as I have often called it, is made up of countless visible and hidden dynamics that may be difficult to articulate, but impossible to miss–in some cases, the very moment you walk through the door.

Over the years, our church has attempted to express the dynamic power of the JCBC Experience through a statement of passionately held core values. All seven core values, collapsed into a single statement sounds like this…

Johns Creek Baptist Church seeks to be a free and faithful voice of the Gospel, witnessing with integrity to Jesus Christ and the mission of the Church. The church believes in (and dedicates itself to) preserving and practicing historic Baptist principles, freedoms, and traditions. We value excellence in worship, theological depth and diversity, authentic Christian community, deliberate church growth, congregational courage, responsible Christian stewardship, and a missional consciousness where every member is mobilized to serve.

These values give voice to our identity as the Body of Christ in our particular place and time.
We are not the only church who embodies these values.
But we ARE the only church to do it the way WE do it.

I’ll say it again. There is something different about JCBC.
So, I want us to talk about it.

Beginning Sunday, August 4th and continuing through September 29th I will deliver a series of messages entitled “THAT kind of church.” Over the course of this 9 week series, we will declare with passion and conviction the particular values that make us who we are as a congregation.

If EVER there were a series to which to invite your family and friends, it is this one.
If you want them to know the JCBC experience personally, but have had a difficult time convincing them that we really are a DIFFERENT kind of church, bring them.

Get. Them. Here.

I will preach truth. You will be YOU. Christ will be present. And that will be enough.
Who knows? The ones you love just may be longing for THAT kind of church!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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A Small Step and A Giant Leap
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JCBC Deacons: Our Servant-Leaders

7 Comments. Leave new

  • Jan Blankenship
    July 17, 2019 3:38 pm

    That’s the kind of church I want to be a part of. Is there really any other kind of church that people should be a part of?

  • Patsy Walls
    July 17, 2019 7:33 pm

    Amen brother! The Church of Jesus Christ, doing tasks to honor and glorify our Savior!

  • Melba Franklin
    July 18, 2019 11:28 am

    So excited about this series. So sorry missing this Sunday — but our family Vacation. But will be in our seats on August 4. Already thinking of those I can invite!

  • Melba Franklin
    August 2, 2019 10:29 am

    Just darn! I am in San Diego this Sunday for a Mastermind and will miss this first series. I did not realize that my flight left Saturday. I assure you I will be in my seat for the remainder of the series. As well, I will listen to this Sunday’s message on line. I love our church!!!!

  • Preaching Jesus Christ and the Bible will fill the church! Thanks for sharing! We will be there.

  • Carolyn and Clay Ritter
    August 4, 2019 8:47 am

    After being members of JCBC for several years we moved to Florida. We visited many churches but after eight years there we came home to JCBC because we could not find THAT KIND OF CHURCH!
    Can’t wait for this series.

  • […] past Sunday, we began a new sermon series entitled THAT Kind of Church. Over the next several weeks we will be studying, with prayerful examination, the distinctive […]


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