I am not prone to hyperbole, so believe me when I say last week’s Vacation Bible School was one of the best of all time. Everything clicked and the kids were swept up in the energy of the Hero theme and the dual missional projects. There were hero masks and capes times 600 demonstrating that each child could do heroic and life-altering feats for God. VBS Director, Molly McNeese, did a Super job (did you see what I did there…Super job) yet again in putting together the Leadership Team and designing this year’s program.

There were 200 volunteers serving as teachers, craft and recreation leaders, snack preparers, greeters/hosts, story tellers, Celebration leaders who led the songs and skits and missional leaders. It does indeed take a small army to pull off such a large and productive week. SuperMolly would like to specifically give a shout out to her Directorship team: Ginny Short and Shelaine Cole, VBS Co-Directors; Mary Lynn Huett, Preschool Director; and, Sarah Loudermilk, Preschool Co-Director. Sadly, space does not allow us to list all of the other key volunteers who worked for months to make this year’s event so successful. Remember, we pulled this year’s VBS off without a Children’s Pastor on staff to provide guidance and leadership from the staff. That fact makes last week’s sessions even more, well, Super!

Super Facts
410 children
200+ adult helpers
$2600 given to Backpacks of Love
213 Operation Christmas Child boxes

Lives were changed in our church and due to the missional work of our kids; soon lives will be impacted in the metro-area and across the globe. Super and Hero are not superlative enough to describe the outcome of VBS 2017!

Dr. Michael McCullar
Formations Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

1 Comment. Leave new

  • That’s fantastic! Thanks to all those leaders who worked so diligently to give much to the kids!
    But, Michael thanks to your Super self for all the work and guidance you gave to make it work. As well as our Pastor and all the staff
    You all make a great Super Team!!! Thanks!!!!


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