Ash Wednesday 2017

Tonight, we host one of the most meaningful worship services of the year at JCBC.
It is our Ash Wednesday service.

Tonight, we join millions of Christians around the world choosing to enter into a deliberate season of spiritual examination, as we journey steadily toward the highest point on our Christian calendar: Easter Sunday.

In last week’s blog, I shared a bit of the history and purpose behind this season, known as Lent, and the unique service which ushers it in. Take a moment to read about it here.

Tonight, here is what you can expect.

  • 5:45 p.m. Pre worship music begins.
    We welcome guest violinist Jessica Daniel, this evening.  As you enter (silently) into the sanctuary, you are invited to allow the reflective music to call you to rest. During these 15 minutes of quiet worship, allow your soul to catch up with your body, and become fully present for worship.
  • 6:00 p.m. Service begins.
    The scriptural call to worship will be a call for the mercies of God to meet us in our broken and vulnerable places. The congregational singing will be an opportunity to give voice to our need and celebrate the hope we have in God’s tender graces.
  • I will offer a meditation with practical tips on “uncluttering the soul” and navigating the Lenten season with deliberate spiritual disciplines and practices.
  • Lisa Hamilton will bless us in song, with “There is a Savior.”
  • Worshippers will have the opportunity to reflect and write down a confession, or sin, or struggle that has them burdened, before receiving the “imposition of ashes.” These ashes are created by burning the palm branches used last year on Palm Sunday. These ashes represent the full span of our human journey. From praise to brokenness back to praise, we acknowledge our common struggle and our shared desire to be made whole by Christ.
  • We will hear the glorious reminder that by God’s grace we are pardoned of our sins, and raised to walk in newness of life.
  • Finally, we will depart the sanctuary in sacred silence.
  • The dress is informal. Please come as you are.

I pray you will join us tonight for worship, as we begin our Lenten journey together.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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