[BE]: Belonging and Becoming in God’s Beloved Community

We begin, belonging.
We don’t ask to be born. We don’t audition for family. We don’t try out for life.
We just begin.

And most of the time, if things go well, we begin in the company of those who accept us, embrace us, and love us for no other reason than the mere fact that we have arrived; that we exist.

Regardless of the 1000 things we may become…or never become;
Despite the 10,000 successes or failures that are sure to be part of our story, anything is possible…
all things are possible.
Because we belong.

This is church.
The Beloved Community of God.
A family of imperfect people, with unfinished stories.
All of us striving, failing, rising, falling, together.
Here, in the beauty of belonging, we catch the life-giving glimpse
of what we CAN BE.

Here, YOU can…
Be Found
Be Forgiven
Be Free
Be Real
Be True
Be Faithful
Be You
Be Present
Be Here
Be Now
Be Still
Be Generous
Be Jesus
Be Known`
Be Loved
Be Called
Be Sent
Be Amazed
Be Intrigued
Be Alive
Be You
Be Moved
Be Stunned
Be Needed
Be Welcome
Be Faithful
Be Afire
Be Stoked
Be Aware
Be Blessed
Be Invited
Be Graced
Be Used
Be Purposeful
Be Love
Be Joyful
Be Peace-making
Be Patient
Be Kind
Be Good
Be Awesome
Be Gentle
Be Found
Be Saved
Be Fun
Be Attentive
Be Gracious
Be Grateful
Be Glad
Be Hopeful
Be Fruitful
Be Connected
Be Mobilized
Be Focused
Be Centered
Be Creative
Be Imaginative
Be Playful
Be Driven
Be Awake
Be Welcoming
Be Disciplined
Be Formed
Be Missional
Be Inclusive
Be Honorable
Be Christ-like
Be Growing
Be Transformed
Be Holy
Be Just
Be Righteous
Be Flexible
Be Serious
Be Intentional
Be Chill
Be Cool
Be Lit
Be Authentic
Be Part
Be With
Be For
Be Sincere
Be Loving
Be Humble
Be Worshipful
Be Yielded
Be Passionate
Be Dazzled
Be Whole
Be Renewed
Be Redeemed
Be Compassionate
Be Merciful
Be Content
Be Satisfied
Be Committed
Be Consistent
Be Inspired
Be Inspiring
Be Bold
Be Confident
Be Fearless
Be Unflappable
Be Fair
Be Forgiving
Be Courageous
Be Genuine
Be Teachable
Be Reflective
Be Contemplative
Be Prophetic
Be Last
Be Different

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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