Greetings Johns Creek Baptist Family!

I hope this letter finds you enjoying your summer and time off with your family for some rest and relaxation and fun!  Summertime is also the time of year when our church begins the process of electing a slate of Deacons to serve a three-year term beginning in 2025.  You, as a member of our church, play a critical role in this process.  Your first opportunity to contribute is to nominate eligible church members for consideration as Deacons.  I would like to ask for and encourage your participation.

To submit your nominations, we will continue to utilize our “on-line” nomination method as well as our traditional paper forms.  Our nomination period will run through Wednesday, August 21st.

To submit an online nomination, scroll below for a “one-at-a-time” form for each nominee.

If you would rather submit a printed nomination, you may also click here to gain access to a nomination form you can print.  Paper forms may then be mailed to the church or turned into one of our collection boxes, which will be available throughout the church to end-of-business on Wednesday, August 21st.

Our church by-laws provide the following guidance for you to use as you consider your nominations for Deacon. Nominees:

Must be a professing Christian.

Must have attained the age of 21 prior to April 1 of the election year.

Must have been a member of Johns Creek Baptist Church for a minimum of two years. *Former members of more than two years that have returned to the church will be considered as meeting this two-year membership requirement.

Other guidelines pertain to those who are not eligible for nomination:

Employees of Johns Creek Baptist Church are not eligible for election.

Ministerial and Professional staff spouses, children and children’s spouses, siblings and sibling’s spouses, and parents are not eligible for election as a deacon.

Those Deacons currently serving are not eligible for nomination.  Please click here to see the list of current Deacons.

After we conclude the nomination phase, we will present the church membership with an election ballot containing a list of nominated Deacon candidates.  The ballot will be made up of all eligible nominees from the above Nomination Process who have agreed to have their name placed on the election ballot.

This is a very important event in the life of our church. All JCBC members are strongly encouraged to prayerfully participate and to nominate eligible members for the role of Deacon.

In Service with you,

Jim Dykes
Deacon Chair, 2024

  • (Include suffix, i.e., Sr., Jr., etc., if applicable)
  • (If Married)
  • (Your Name)
  • This section must be filled out in order for the nomination to be valid.

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