Envisioning Our Future Together

I want to encourage all JCBC members to join us tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Tonight, during our quarterly Church-in-Conference, we will be giving a report on the exciting progress of our Strategic Planning Task Force.

As you know, we have spent the last several months analyzing valuable data pertaining to JCBC trends over the last 16 years, projected demographic changes in our 10-mile radius over the next 5 years, and an assessment of the spiritual journeys of our members through the JCBC Shared Life Survey.  After a very productive Vision and Discernment Retreat with church consultant Susan Beaumont in March, we have reaffirmed a set of Core Values and have recognized four significant areas where we believe God is calling us to focus our time, energy, and attention over the next 3 or more years.

Now that these areas have been identified, we would like to share these strategic initiatives with you, and describe what the next phase of our vision journey will look like in the months ahead.

So, join us tonight, as we prayerfully envision our future together.

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Dr. Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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