
“Eucharisteo” is an interesting word, in Greek.

In its simplest terms, it means, “give thanks.” But a close study of the word (as found in New Testament texts) reveals that it is made up of a combination of words. At the very root of eucharisteo is the word charis, meaning “grace,” and its close derivative chara, meaning “joy.”

Think about the implication for a moment. At the heart of thanksgiving is grace and joy.
True gratitude grows from a deep, interior awareness of God’s grace in our lives.
That awareness humbles us, and provokes a joy that flows out of us in a lifestyle of thankful action.

Where, lately, have you recognized the immense Grace that sustains you?

I want you to be in worship for the next two Sundays (November 13th and 20th) as we attempt to look for it together in a special 2 part sermon series entitled, “Eucharisteo: Thanksgiving. Grace. Joy.”

menjayblogI am especially eager to welcome a friend to help me bring the message on Sunday.
Joining me on Sunday will be Dr. Olu Q. Menjay.

Dr. Menjay is a native of Liberia (West Africa). He is the President of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, and Vice President and Chair on the Human Rights Advocacy Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. In addition, he serves as Chief Administrative Officer of the Ricks Institute, a community of learning and faith.

Dr. Menjay is well acquainted with the Grace of God. It was by God’s grace that he survived the chaos and suffering of the Liberian Civil War (1989-1996).  It was an experience that shaped his life’s calling to ministry.

Upon surviving the bitter experience of the civil war, he attended Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, GA where he received the A.A. degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business.

He received his BA (with a double major in Religion and Sociology from Mercer University in Macon, GA. Dr. Menjay has studied and received additional degrees from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina and Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts.

He has done post-graduate research in Contextual Missiology with emphasis in African Christianity and Education in Contemporary African society, and holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Wales, United Kingdom through the International Baptist Theological Seminary, in Praha, Czech Republic. His dissertation focuses on 19th and 20th centuries African American Christian Mission’s contribution on Education in Liberia and its Contemporary implications.

Dr. Menjay is married to Ottolee Moncy Menjay. They, and their two wonderful children, Orlaine Mia and Olu Q. are faithful members of Johns Creek Baptist Church, and attend regularly when in the U.S.

This Sunday, he will be sharing his story as a part of our Eucharisteo series.

His testimony will be a blessing you do not want to miss.
I hope you make plans now to join us!

Have I told you lately how much I love being your pastor?
Well, I do.

Shaun King
Senior Pastor
Johns Creek Baptist Church

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Your sermon last Sunday was spot on. We ALL needed to hear again we are ALL God’s children and need to be reminded of Jesus sacrifice for All. Spiritual healing will only come to our land when we love each other as Jesus loved us and was willing to die for us. Thank you, Shaun!

  • I was so very moved by Dr. Menjays journey. Thank you to him for speaking and to Pastor King for realizing it may be something we all need to hear. It put my life in perspective and sent a clear message that kindness and grace isn’t something to do to get credit fir, but do because it is the right thing if we are part of the body. His story paid no attention to race, sex, or government affiliates, it spoke to God’s children.

  • Thanks you Pastor King for this wonderful introduction to the word “Eucharisteo”. I especially appreciated your words, “True gratitude grows from a deep, interior awareness of God’s grace in our lives. That awareness humbles us, and provokes a joy that flows out of us in a lifestyle of thankful action.” I had been reading a daily reflection from Fr. Richard Rohr on this same word, performed a broader search, and landed upon this web page.

    We are all one spiritual community and have deeply appreciated your words of grace and joy on this Thanksgiving day .

    Blessings to you and your entire congregation,

    Bob Denney, parishioner
    St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
    Covington WA


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